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Christian Union: The Magazine
January 27, 2017

Greetings from the campus of Harvard Law School!

With the arrival of winter in New England, the nights are longer and the periods of daylight shorter.  Cooler temperatures mean more inside activities as student’s retreat to the Harvard Law School lobby with its glowing fireplaces and well-lit interior – a perfect place to study and prepare on a cold winter night.

During the month of January, upper-level students are often off on some work-related assignment; for others, the time is occupied with an intensive January course offering.

The beginning of the new calendar year is also a time of celebration for 1L students; if you are back, it means you passed the rigors of the fall semester and will be able to continue pursuit of a degree in law!

The new calendar year is also a time of adjustment as students reassess their academic progress and scheduling commitments in preparation for upcoming spring semester courses.

As you bring our needs before the throne of grace, please be in prayer for the following:

  1. Michael and Darla Wilkinson.  Michael joined the HLS team in December.  With a background in law and theology, Michael brings legal and pastoral experience to the outreach at HLS.  Pray for wisdom in learning how best to minister to the HLS community and for the finishing touches on his family’s relocation settlement;
  2. Wisdom for our student Executive team as they plan our spring semester ministry activities and selection of new team members for the 2017 – 2018 academic year;
  3. Greater participation in ministry activities among the student constituency;
  4. God’s blessing upon Bible courses, group lunch discussions, and the ministry of guest speakers;
  5. Interest in Christian Union alumni outreach and participation in the current and coming years.

Your servant in Christ,

Jim Garretson
Christian Union Ministry Director
Harvard Law School

Please note: if you would like to receive regular updates on how to pray for Christian Union's work at Harvard Law School, please email prayer@christianunion.org.