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Christian Union: The Magazine
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December 21, 2017


We’ve seen God work wondrously here at Columbia; we have so much to be thankful for. Both the staff and the students are excited about the acquisition of a new ministry center one block away from campus. Our biggest need as a ministry at Columbia is space, and God has made provision for that need in a significant way. A heartfelt thanks to everyone who supported the effort through prayer and financial giving. An incalculable number of lives will be blessed through this ministry center because of your support.

The Christian community at Columbia continues to thrive and grow. This semester, we had a Friendsgiving event that saw hundreds of Christians from various campus ministries come together to eat, fellowship, and give thanks to God for his goodness. The students in Christian Union Bible courses provided the food, and orchestrated fun events for everyone in attendance to participate in. The Christian community at Columbia was strengthened in its faith and deeper bonds were forged.

We also recently had a very successful outreach. We hosted biologist David Lahti for an event entitled, “Did Evolution Kill God?” Lahti is both an evolutionist and a Christian, and he debunked the idea that science and faith must be at odds with each other. Over 150 students were in attendance—many of whom were skeptics of the Christian faith. In addition to the effectiveness of his arguments, we received feedback that he was also warm, charitable and inviting. 

Here are ways that you can be praying for us:


  • Please pray for our new ministry director Lane and his wife Michelle as they continue to transition into life as New Yorkers.
  • Please pray that we would exceed our student registration goals for the Christian Union Nexus Conference to be held February 23-25, 2018.
  • Please pray that Christian Union can become a loving community for students who may feel lonely and without community at Columbia.

From all of us at Columbia, we wish all of you a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. Your support is invaluable for the work that God has called us to on this influential campus.

Grace and peace,

Bryant Parsons
Ministry Fellow
Christian Union at Columbia University

Please note: if you would like to receive regular updates on how to pray for Christian Union's work at Columbia, please email prayer@christianunion.org.