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Christian Union: The Magazine
As Christians around the world prepare their hearts this Lenten season to acknowledge Christ's death and...
March 25, 2014

March 2014

Please note: if you would like to receive regular updates on how to pray for Christian Union's work at Harvard, please email prayer@christian-union.org.

Thank God for an active and vibrant month!

Thank you for your prayers for our Leadership Lecture Series, Doxa. Two weeks ago students enthusiastically received James K.A. Smith of Calvin College as he gave a talk entitled, "The University Is for Lovers: Reimagining Learning." The following day, he also gave a public lecture entitled, "The Gospel According to David Foster Wallace," which was targeted towards Christians and unbelievers. Please pray that we would continue to grow in intimacy with Christ through the teaching and sharing of all in attendance.

Thank you for praying for the growth and maturity of students as we work to develop leaders. The students of Harvard College Faith and Action (HCFA) have voted in their new Executive Team: Shaun Lim as President, Olivia Krusel as Vice President, Kamaria Lee as Director of Operations, and Peter Hickman as Treasurer. Please pray that God would grow them in wisdom as they lead this community.

The Outreach Ministry Team of HCFA have instituted Evangelism Workshops each week where one member of Christian Union's faculty at Harvard presents on a topic chosen by the two student Ministry Team leaders of the Outreach Team. Please pray that HCFA would grow in passion and in the expression of the Gospel.

Many students continue to seek the Lord regarding a deeper understanding of Him, for healing, and for restoration in their lives. We are grateful for this, but we are lacking in the office space that is necessary to accommodate the growing staff and students. We have found a provisional situation that is closer to Harvard Yard, but nothing that is long-term. Please continue to pray that He will provide for His work through this ministry financially and in overall resources.

Thank you for your ongoing prayer support to advance God's kingdom at Harvard!

Jane Kim
Ministry Fellow

February 2014 >