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Help Make Christ Known at Penn
Join a movement to develop leaders to transform the University of Pennsylvania and our nation.
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Leaders Matter

Leaders developed at the University of Pennsylvania shape the future of our country by determining what media gets disseminated, what laws get passed, and how major decisions get made. Penn has produced 14 heads of state, including our current president, 36 Nobel laureates, and numerous top executives including Tesla and SpaceX CEO Elon Musk. Today, however, we see many examples of failing leadership.

We are a country that does not always protect the most vulnerable among us, that worships idols, such as money and fame, and that is focused on secular, earthly goals rather than spiritual and eternal ones. Raising up godly leaders at Penn is the start of having God at the center of our culture. Christian Union Martus, which ministers to the University of Pennsylvania, invites you to become a partner in creating faithful leaders to transform our nation.

Who is shaping tomorrow's leaders?

A handful of universities and cities have an outsized influence on our nation’s culture. Nearly 70 percent of the nation’s most influential leaders come from just one percent of schools. Many of these institutions, including Penn, were founded on Christian principles. Penn traces its earliest roots back to the construction in 1740 of a great hall built to host the English evangelist George Whitefield, whose preachings were part of the Great Awakening. Today, however, Penn is decidedly secular and, in many cases, overtly antagonistic to the Christian faith. This rocky ground is where Christian Union Martus sets its stake.

Become a partner in developing and connecting these Christian leaders.

Christian Union Martus believes that widespread proclamation of the Gospel and an outpouring of the Holy Spirit will transform Penn and as a result, our nation. This new spiritual vitality will be built by students shaped at Penn. The ministry develops leaders through mentoring and in-depth biblical study that honors the needs of the intellectual, intensely motivated students.

Highly-qualified ministry faculty guide students in a deep understanding of their Christian faith. Through Bible courses and discipleship they learn to seek God’s purpose for their lives and graduate ready to do His work in the world. After graduation, Christian Union continues to nurture Penn alumni with the faith and power to reshape our institutions through our alumni engagement programs and through CU New York.

Today you can help us make all this possible.

Christian Union Martus Cornerstone Partners make these goals a reality. A charitable gift of $25 or more enables ministry faculty to develop and equip our nation's future leaders. Becoming a Christian Union Martus Cornerstone Partner also affords you these unique benefits:


CU Martus Cornerstone Partners are listed in Christian Union’s annual report if giving at the Bronze level or above. These Partners are also honored with their names posted prominently in the CU Martus office for students to take courage that people around the world care about their Christian development and the witness of Christ at Penn.

Special invitations
Christian Union honors CU Cornerstone Partners with invitations to select special events free of charge. Those who are Partners at CU Martus also receive invitations to special CU events at Penn.
Christian Union recognizes that those who are partners in the ministry appreciate special updates. The ministry provides CU Martus Cornerstone Partners with regular updates on the work, including communications from founder and president Matt Bennett and from the CU Martus Ministry Director and students.  Please know that CU associates pray for partners and their families every month.  


Become a CU Cornerstone Partner now.

With your generous charitable gift of $25 or more, you will help Christian Union lay the foundation for revival and spiritual health in our nation. Simply complete the form below and you will be a partner in this vital work.

If you'd prefer to download and mail the enrollment form, please download it here.


Christian Union Martus derives its name from the Greek word for witness, which is martus. George Whitefield, partial founder of Penn, is one of the world’s greatest witnesses to Jesus Christ, and the ministry strives to see many devout witnesses for Jesus to graduate from Penn and impact the world for Christ.

Christian Union is recognized by the IRS as a 501(c)(3) charitable organization. All donations are tax-deductible as to the extent allowed by applicable law. To learn more about the benefits, and rights and responsibilities, of Cornerstone Partners, please go to

ecfa memberThe ministry is a member of the Evangelical Council on Financial Accountability (ECFA) and has its finances audited annually. Charges to credit cards appear as “Christian Union 6098740040.”

If you have questions, please contact a partner representative at (609) 874-0040, or email us at