Christian Union Fire Retreats

Upcoming Retreat: TBA soon!

A CU Fire Retreat is a 1.5-day nationwide simulcast retreat. Experience spiritual rejuvenation and encouragement with your friends—or any other Christian community you are a part of—from the comfort of your home! Local volunteers lead all groups. In fact, you are invited to become a host to bring a CU Fire Retreat to your community. Hosting a CU Fire Retreat is easy‚ and we will provide everything you need to make it happen.

The Next Fire Retreat Details


Sign Up Now!

If you are interested in possibly hosting a CU Fire Retreat, keep reading or jump down the page to learn more about how easy it is to host a Fire Retreat in your home, church, or other location.

Why CU Fire Retreats?

Are you hungry to experience God in a deeper and fuller way? Are you longing for a closer relationship with the God who loves you? Have you considered that taking more time to seek the Lord and draw close to Him will dramatically impact your closeness to God and make you a person who changes others’ lives for all of eternity? CU Fire Retreats are a way to intentionally draw close to Him, providing a space for seeking God in a guided fashion.

Anyone can seek God in their own time, but doing so with friends and people you want to get to know helps deepen bonding and creates powerful camaraderie. You will join with like-minded Christians to pursue God together.

Christian Union Founder and President Matt Bennett said, "Focused times of drawing near to God have an incredibly positive impact on Christians. Such times provide powerful spiritual strengthening and renewed vision. Please join us by attending or bringing a CU Fire Retreat to your community." You can view Matt Bennett’s bio here and an interview with Matt by CBN here (5:21).

As more and more Christians take time to seek God and grow stronger in Him, God draws near to us with His increased power and presence in our churches, communities, and nation. Many are frustrated with the spiritual decline in their communities and the nation, but seeking the Lord is the answer.

As believers grow strong in the Lord, their vibrant faith will bring a supernatural change. 

Sign Up Now!

Comments about Past CU Fire Retreats:
"The two retreats I’ve attended so far have been monumental. They have grown my spiritual walk like nothing else!"
– Emily

"This was our first retreat… It was so awesome to meet with, pray with, and hear from other’s hearts and encourage each other toward a more impactful walk with the Lord!”
– Keith

“This retreat makes the space for development of deep relationships with other Christians through vulnerability and prayer. This was FANTASTIC.”
– Marshall

"This is the spiritual reset I needed.”
– Reine

What is the Cost to Join a CU Fire Retreat?

The ticket registration fees for the upcoming retreat help offset a portion of the conference expenses and are as follows:

  • $19 - Early Bird Ticket (June 1 - September 3)
  • $29 - Regular Ticket (September 4 - October 4)

Sign Up Now!

"We are so thankful to have watched God use CU Fire Retreats to make a difference in the lives of so many. Even though these retreats are only 1.5 days in length, the impact they've had in the lives of participants has been extraordinary. To God be all glory for the reports of believers across America being strengthened in the Lord through these events.”

Grace Ann Arvey, Director, Christian Union America 


CU Fire Retreat Schedule

(Subject to Change)

Friday Evening  ::  6-9pm Local Time

Welcome and Orientation
Start / Group Sharing or Testimonies
Zoom Message (Streamed)
Group Prayer / Response to Message

Saturday :: 8am - 8pm Local Time

Saturday Morning
Arrival / Prayers of Adoration and Praise
Bible Reading
Zoom Worship and Message
Live Q&A

Saturday Afternoon
Group Discussion (Response to Message)
Bible Reading followed by Group Discussion: What is God Like?
Group (Streamed) Worship + Video followed by Group Discussion

Saturday Evening
Zoom Message 
Group Discussion (Response to Message)
Group Wrap Up (Testimonies, Discussion, and Prayer)

“CU Fire was amazing. The way I was able to meet with God and connect to others has broken some chains off of my heart!! The experience was invaluable.” 
– Kimberly

"And let us consider how we may spur one another on toward love and good deeds. Let us not give up meeting together, as some are in the habit of doing, but let us encourage one another--and all the more as you see the Day approaching."
– Hebrews 10:24

My first experience as a participant of a CU fire retreat connected me with like minded believers seeking the Lord for revival. Our time praying together and seeking God in the scriptures was powerful. When given the opportunity to host during the next CU fire retreat I was all in.
– Guy  

You Can (Easily) Host a Fire Retreat!

Anyone can be a CU Fire Retreat Host. Christian Union provides event hosts with everything they need to lead a group, including how to invite 4-12 friends, and what is needed to host a group in your home or virtually. Each group has a Primary Host, and a Primary Host can have a Co-Host if you'd like.

See also CU Fire FAQ.

If you are interested in learning more about hosting or attending a retreat in your home, church, or online, please call Grace Ann at (646) 350-4123.


More Testimonials

“It was so rich and deep, so nourishing to my spirit and soul. The love I felt was indescribable, priceless!!! This might sound like an exaggeration, but I honestly believe that I have been raised from the dead. I hope this revival in my life will be mirrored by a revival in the city."

“I’ve been enriched beyond words.”

“This whole concept is brilliant. The teaching was so rich and transforming. And the prayer session was probably the most amazing experience of my whole life time🙏🙏🙏 I’m new to CU. But have been a follower of Christ my whole life. And involved in ministry. A lot to process. God bless you!”

“Wow. The Holy Spirit continues to ricochet around in me because of the last 24 hours with CU Fire!”

“I am still so blown away. My intimacy with God has been amazing.”

“I mean this is so awesome. I can't believe SOME PEOPLE FASTED AND PRAYED FOR ME. But I do believe now. This is sheer ecstasy.”

“I will still be talking about this 1,000 years from now.”

“During our extended intense prayer, God exceeded my expectations by providing times of close communion, wisdom, conviction, repentance, forgiveness and love. This was absolutely the best time of seeking God in my entire life!”

“Absolutely amazing retreat! Looking at the history of revival and traditions have really helped me to see God's power and what He can do in my life today if I am faithful to seek Him.”

“It was very helpful to take a day and a half completely away to focus on the Lord. My heart was greatly challenged to seek revival in my own heart. May I strive to spend more time in prayer each day.”

“Last week was like a spiritual volcano explosion - that is how it feels for me! God always does so much more than we can imagine and think possible! So glad that I was able to be there for the prayer and the retreat - I was blessed by both so much!”

“This past weekend was absolutely transformative for me. It opened up my prayer/spiritual life in unbelievable ways! If someone had told me a week ago that I’d be praying the way I am now, I would have been incredibly dubious, to put it mildly. I’ll tell you all about it when we talk.”

“If this was on a scale from 1-10, CU Fire definitely gets a 10 on all of the above! 🔥 I will be “unpacking” everything for quite some time. The Lord has given a great deal of clarity for direction in ministry through this fast/retreat!! So thankful!!”

“I’ve gained a certain spiritual tool each time I’ve been to CU Fire. Over time, with nurturing, the tools are shifting the direction of my spiritual life. I especially loved the fellowship and the way our small group was able to bond so quickly and take on each other’s burdens.”

“Truly so thankful for this weekend. It was life changing. I’m not kidding. I feel like I have access to God in a way I didn’t know how to access before.”

“Yesterday I felt I was lighter/ as if some weight has been lifted off of me. I know that there was some deliverance that happened even during the time of reading scripture.”

“One of the main things I came away with is that if we want to be closer to God then we have to talk to Him. There is such great power in prayer and when we pray together we can move mountains!”

“What stands out to me is the tangible presence of God that was so evident.”

“We were starving. You poured yourself out for us and we feel so full. And that, in turn, will spill into the lives of others, God willing.”

“I am fired up to bring the same message to other communities in which I participate.”

“The retreat was such the refreshment that I needed! Jesus was very present with us all weekend and in the intercessory times leading up to the retreat! I am encouraged, in tune with the Spirit, and blessed by all the teaching and deep fellowship. God has met me afresh, visited closely, and renewed my zeal.”

“I feel revitalized and fed because of being with other Christians … I have needed replenishment. … Just gratitude and expectation for how God will use this time in my life. I came into this time parched. I know this was a time of replenishment.”

“This was absolutely amazing. I loved praying with my group, the Bible study and the conversations in the group about it. … I have grown deeper in my faith and understanding of God.”

“I don’t think I realized the extent to which God had been working on my heart, and preparing me for the next season, until this weekend. It was like all of these puzzle pieces that I had been trying to fit together just found their place.”

“It was a weekend of stepping into God’s presence, remembering His kindness and heart for restoration, and being absolutely humbled by how He speaks to me so personally.”


About Christian Union

Christian Union develops Christian leaders to transform culture. Watch the video below or learn more about the ministry here.

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