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Christian Union

Christian Union

Explore a variety of videos about the overall ministry of Christian Union, which set the stage for the ministry's focus on key universities and cities in the United States.

The Heart of Christian Union's Mission

Learn more about how Christian Union is promoting national revival and reformation for a spiritually vibrant America through Christian leadership. That’s been the heart of Christian Union’s vision and mission all along through two strategic ministries: Christian Union Universities (CUU) and Christian Union America (CUA). The aim is not just to endure our current trials, but to recapture the Christ-centered spiritual vibrancy that blessed the world for generations.

A Blessing To The World

Since 2002, Christian Union has worked to help bring sweeping spiritual change to America. We want to see the United States become a spiritually vibrant nation that blesses the world. (5:07)

Please consider giving a generous gift by June 30 to engage even more students with the gospel. Click here to donate today. 

CBN News recently produced and ran a story on Christian Union, featuring an interview with the ministry's founder and president, Matt Bennett.

A brief overview of Christian Union's ministry.

How a Handful of Schools Are Shaping American Society

Leaders matter. For better or for worse – they determine what we represent as a society, who we are as a people, and where we are going as a nation.

A relatively small number of leaders from just a handful of leading universities are shaping American culture. The universities they attend are almost devoid of Christian influence. Professors are free to mold students according to their secular and materialist ideologies.

Learn more...

At Nexus 2017, Christian Union bestowed its Christian Leader of the Year Award to Liz Green.

This provides an overview of the ministry of Christian Union from fall 2016. 

In December 2015, Christian Union presented the Christian Leader of the Year Award to a pioneer in the technology sector, Pat Gelsinger. Gelsinger provided advice and inspiration:

At the Christian Union Benefit Event and Celebration in October, 2014, in Dallas, Interstate Batteries Chairman Norm Miller was honored as the Texas Christian Leader of the Year. 

God has been moving in remarkable ways in the lives of students and young professionals. This is an update on that story, and on what He has been doing through Christian Union at eight of America's most strategic universities, and in New York City.