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Christian Union: The Magazine
April 5, 2017

The biweekly eNewsletter from Christian Union

Rejoice in hope, be patient in tribulation, be constant in prayer.
— Romans 12:12

Four Ways the Gospel Transforms Work

By Tim Keller
From The Gospel Coalition

Tim Keller started thinking deeply about a Christian view of work when a member of his congregation met with him to ask what it meant to be a Christian actor. Over years of thinking and teaching on work, Keller has observed four ways the gospel can transform work...

Listen to his talk here >


The Inspirational Life of Missionary David Brainerd

By Christian Union
From Christian Union: The Magazine

Christian Union: The Magazine recently interviewed Dr. Doug Sweeney about the life and long-lasting impact of David Brainerd, a missionary to Native Americans during the 18th century...

Read the interview now >


The Strange Persistence of Guilt

By David Brooks
From New York Times

In 1981 the philosopher Alasdair MacIntyre opened his book “After Virtue” with a passage that is now famous. Imagine if we lost the theoretical coherence of science. Imagine if we still used scientific words like neutrino and atomic weight, but had no overall framework to explain how they fit together.

That’s the state of our moral discourse today, he suggested...

Read More >


Waiting For and With Jesus

By Timothy George
From First Things

SThe season of Lent is a time of waiting, and waiting is one of the great themes of the Christian life. In John’s Gospel, we wait for Jesus and we wait with Jesus as the question of his contested identity presses in. Who is...

Read the rest of this article now >


Sam Allberry on Same-Sex Attraction and Why the Gospel is Good for All

By Sam Allberry
From rzim.org

Last month, Sam Allberry, editor for the Gospel Coalition, Ravi Zacharias International Ministries speaker, founding editor of Living Out, and author of numerous articles and books, including ‘Is God Anti-Gay?’, addressed the Church of England General Synod in London. In his brief, compelling remarks he challenged the assembly to not only preserve the Christian doctrine on marriage, but to truly believe it. Speaking candidly of his own lifelong same-sex attraction, he urged the assembly to embrace the Christian sexual ethic—as he has—as good, intrinsic to the biblical narrative, and ultimately life giving...

Watch his address and read a discussion about it here >


Christian Union Day & Night

From Christian Union

Sign up today to join a national movement of Christians who are seeking God and committing to pray for spiritual transformation in America. Will you set aside time in your day to pray specifically that the Spirit of God would move powerfully and that God would bring about sweeping spiritual transformation in our country?

Learn more or sign up now, at DayandNight.org >


Prayer Requests

Please pray for students still considering making a last-minute decision to attend Nexus: The Christian Union Conference on Faith and Action — and for professionals considering the same decision about attending the Nexus Professional conference. The two conferences, to be held simultaneously in Stamford, Connecticut, this weekend, will help encourage and equip attendees to live out their faith as part of God's redemptive plan.

Please pray that God would use Day & Night to draw American Christians together to pray for sweeping spiritual transformation. Visit DayAndNight.org to sign up or learn more >

Talk Back

We would love to hear your thoughts and feedback about this newsletter or about any of the articles above. Please use this Contact Us form to share your thoughts >