Christian Union operates ministries at some of the nation's leading universities. Video provided here comes from various ministry events and lectures on campuses.
Student Spotlight
The idea that faith and reason are opposing forces, enemies of one another that will never find common ground is a familiar concept in our increasingly secular society: faith is blind, reason is logical, faith isn’t academic, reason is scientific. Like many intellectually ambitious high schoolers, this was the thinking of Timothy Kinnamon, Columbia '20. But when Kinnamon entered Columbia and came across the CU Lumine community, he found these assumptions challenged and quickly overturned.
Doxa at Harvard
Former Christian Union Teaching Fellow Nick Nowalk unpacks a talk regarding the hiddenness of God titled, "The God Who Hides: Reflections on the Central Dilemma of Faith" to Christian Union Gloria students at Harvard.https://www.youtube.com/watch?time_continue=1&v=Gvh391DmAKk
Studying Scripture On Campus
Brianna deeply values Christian Union Bible courses and she shares the impact of Christian Union in her life.Support Christian Union
Christian Union develops Christian leaders at some of America's most influential, and deeply secular, universities. Prayerfully consider supporting our ministry. Click here to donate today. To learn more about Christian Union, click here.
Theological and Practical Application of Biblical Rest
Alan shares the impact of Christian Union on his spiritual life. Alan's relationship with God is transformed by theological understanding of rest. Listen to his testimony:Ministry Fellow Christine Shin
How and when do you boast in weakness? The primary way in which God's power will be perfected in your weakness. Evangelize in weakness, so that Christ's power will be perfected in weakness.
"How many of us ask God to show up in power so that we can look good? God does not grant you power for you to look good, He does it so others will see Jesus."