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Christian Union: The Magazine
November 14, 2019

Forum with N.T. Wright

On November 14, CU New York hosted N.T. Wright at the Salmagundi Club for a forum. Graduate students, young professionals, and seasoned professionals gathered for a night of fellowship and teaching.

Professor Wright gave a detailed talk in which he began to unravel the mysteries of the early church and the intricate ways in which the New Testament fulfills God’s promises made throughout the Old Testament. Many of these ideas were only brief snapshots of what’s covered in his recently published 900+ page book, The New Testament in Its World: An Introduction to the History, Literature, and Theology of the First Christians. 

From his thorough research to his eloquent presentation, CU New York was delighted to host Professor Wright for yet again, quite a stimulating and challenging discussion. 

He noted significant themes from this work, including understanding the arrogance of modernity, the faults of secularism, and the relevance of the New Testament in today’s world. Perhaps most significantly, Professor Wright stressed that as we study the New Testament in its historical context, we can better understand what it really meant for God to send his son in a fleshly body to dwell among us - as a Palestinian Jew in the first century BC.

Attendees enjoyed a rich time of fellowship after the forum

We pray that the connections formed at the forum continue to grow as these graduate students and professionals engage with each other over the next few months. And we pray that our industry networks will result in visible change as these men and women dive deeply into their faith and their calling. Thanks for joining us!

About the Speaker 
NTWright2019Professor N.T. Wright is the former Bishop of Durham in the Church of England and one of the world’s leading Bible scholars. He now serves as the Chair of New Testament and Early Christianity at the School of Divinity at the University of St. Andrews. For twenty years he taught New Testament studies at Cambridge, McGill and Oxford Universities. His award-winning books (of which he has written seventy) include The Case for the Psalms, How God Became King, Simply Jesus, After You Believe, Surprised by Hope, Simply Christian, Scripture and the Authority of God, and The Meaning of Jesus (co-authored with Marcus Borg). His latest book, The New Testament World: An Introduction to the History, Literature, and Theology of the First Christians will be released November 19, 2019. 

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Contact our team at: cunewyork@christianunion.org.