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Christian Union: The Magazine
January 1, 2020

January 20 - January 29, 2020


“But Daniel resolved that he would not defile himself with the king's food, or with the wine that he drank. Therefore he asked the chief of the eunuchs to allow him not to defile himself.” - Daniel 1:8

Who can stand against the living God when He chooses to act? No matter where our culture is currently, everything will change in a heartbeat when the God of the nations acts - and He acts when His people rise up, repent of sins, pray and fast and seek His face. What could be better than joining with so many others across the U.S. to fight in the spiritual realms through prayer and fasting?

Daniel was an exile living in a foreign land, and though it could mean death, Daniel refused to compromise his standards. Unmoved by the wicked decrees of pagan kings, Daniel kept an unwavering focus on using his influence to glorify God. He shines brightly as an example of what it means to fear God rather than man, placing all hope in Him.

Taking inspiration from Daniel, Christian Union Day and Night invites you to join us in a ten-day fast, “Undefiled.” We will be abstaining from food in various forms, starting Monday, January 20th through Wednesday, January 29th. Fasting is a tremendously beneficial spiritual practice. Among other things, fasting fosters humility, helps us hear from God, brings down demonic strongholds, helps us grow and experience God.

You may participate at whatever level the Lord calls you, including fasting just some meals, or fasting for a portion of the ten days. By signing up at dayandnight.org, each morning of the fast you’ll receive a special emailed devotion inspired by Daniel’s life.

If you’re inexperienced in the biblical practice of fasting, I invite you to read our article What You Always Wondered about Fasting and browse the extensive Modern Resources on Fasting on our website, DayAndNight.org.

Yours In Christ,

Matt Bennett
Founder and CEO Christian Union