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Christian Union: The Magazine
March 9, 2016

Where Do Good and Evil Come From?

By Peter Kreeft
From Prager University

Good and Evil

A five-minute video by widely respected Boston College professor of philosophy Peter Kreeft exploring various views as to the origins of morality...
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Antonin Scalia: An American Originalist

By Robert P. George
From PublicDiscourse.com

Over the course of our nation’s history, many jurists have been described as “towering figures in the law.” Antonin Scalia had the distinction of being one of the handful for whom the description is actually justified...
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Christians in the Arts Panel: An Interview with Migueyli Rivera

By Pauline Morgan & Emily Lau
From CrossWords, the Blog of Columbia Cross & Crown

Arts Panel

On January 28th, a large group of students gathered in the Math Building on Columbia’s campus to hear about Christianity and the arts. Students entered the lecture hall to find the chalk boards clear of their typical dizzying array of equations, and instead saw four artists sitting on the raised platform...
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Seeking God With Our Whole Heart, Soul, and Mind

By Justin Mills
From christianunion.org

"But from there you will seek the Lord your God and you will find Him, if you search after Him with all your heart and with all your soul."

The Bible is full of such promises as this one in Deuteronomy 4:29, with a straightforward equation for intimacy with God. Unsurprisingly, these promises of seeking the Lord and finding Him include conditionality, such as the requirement that you seek after Him with all your heart and soul...
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Speaking to Sexual Violence on Campus

By Eileen Scott
From christianunion.org


When the American Association of Universities released a study about the sexual climate on 27 campuses around the country, Andrew Bean '17, a member of Christian Union's ministry at Yale, thought the results were "horrifying." In the fall, Bean was invited by an assistant dean to discuss sexual violence on campus from the point of view of the Christian community...
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Prayer Requests

Christian Union's ministry on campus often includes the help of volunteers who lead Bible courses and mentor students. Praise the Lord for the volunteers He has raised up who have been able to connect well with students, and pray for their continuing impact.

Pray for students on Columbia's campus who received a book on Christian apologetics last week as part of a book giveaway. The giveaway has sparked numerous conversations — please pray as students follow up with their peers to discuss the book's content.

Each university where Christian Union ministers has had contact recently with students who are hungry for the Word of God. Continue to pray for Christian Union faculty as they minister in these settings. Pray for growing numbers of students to desire the truth of God's Word.

New York City Christian Union will be hosting a conference for Christian professionals April 1-3. Please pray for all those who are planning to attend, and for many more to register. Pray for God to move as attendees seek Him and continue to learn how to be Christian leaders in their respective professional contexts.

Two times daily, short video devotionals are being sent out to many to encourage and stir up a fervor in seeking the Lord. Christian Union Day and Night has aided many people globally to seek God's face and grow in relationship with Him. Continue to pray for passion to grow and for spiritual awakening.