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Christian Union: The Magazine
March 23, 2016

Technology, Faith, and Human Shortcomings

By Billy Graham
From TED Talks

Billy Graham

In a throwback video, Billy Graham speaks at TED in 1998. It is still great today...
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Keep Calm and Carry On

By Eric Metaxas
From Breakpoint

Is the state of the culture freaking you out? Well, it doesn’t have to. Here's some encouragement. It was 1939, just before the outbreak of what would come to be known as the Second World War. Hitler was on the move...
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Reason for Being: A Christian Vision for the Arts

By James Clark
From The Institute for Faith, Work and Economics

The Arts

Average people don’t think much about art and how it relates to Christian theology. For most of us, it is enough to know that art is out there. As for how we feel about it – it’s pretty cool. However, those within the Church called to art as their vocation face heightened scrutiny...
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Pluralism Does Not Mean Relativism

By John Inazu
From Christianity Today

Indiana’s new Religious Freedom Restoration Act has caused widespread and heated debate. Some say it allows people to discriminate against gays and lesbians, while others say it gives people of faith more liberty to live out their convictions. Reactions to the Hoosier state’s new law show there is fundamental disagreement over the scope of religious liberty...
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Bringing Light to Dark Places

By Sarah Camp
From christianunion.org

Dennis and Judy Sweeney

"My wife, Judy, and I became aware of Christian Union in its early years on the Princeton campus," shares Dennis Sweeney. "We felt a clear, immediate, strong call to become supporters."...
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Christian Union Day and Night

By Christian Union
From CUDayandNight.org

Don't miss twice-daily video devotionals to encourage and inspire you...
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Prayer Requests

Praise God for the growth in community of Christian Union's ministry at Harvard Law. Now in its third year, the ministry faculty at Harvard Law has been encouraged by a number of doors the Lord has opened and the fruit that God is producing in the lives of the students.

At each of the universities where Christian Union works, please pray for perseverence and discipline for the students, both academically and spiritually. Pray that they would seek the Lord diligently, even in the midst of busy schedules, and that they would consistently live out their faith among their peers.

Several Christian Union ministry faculty members have enjoyed developing relationships with coaches and players on a variety of sports teams at the universities where they serve. Pray for those relationships to continue to bear fruit, especially as the student-athletes learn to live out their faith.

Please pray for upcoming meetings designed to help introduce those college seniors who will move to New York City upon graduation to ministry opportunities with New York City Christian Union.

Men and women around the world continue to enjoy twice-daily devotionals through Christian Union Day and Night. Praise the Lord for the way He uses technology to encourage His people to seek His face.