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Christian Union: The Magazine
June 5, 2020
A Godly Sorrow; Special Statement from Christian Union; The Significant Beauty of Non-Essential Work; Surfing on God: Peter Kreeft on Surfing, Science, Sanctification, and C.S. Lewis; The Collegiate Day of Prayer and more, in this issue of Christian Union's bi-monthly email brief.
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"For just as the body is one and has many members, and all the members of the body, though many, are one body, so it is with Christ. For in one Spirit we were all baptized into one body — Jews or Greeks, slaves or free—and all were made to drink of one Spirit."
— 1 Corinthians 12:12-13


A Godly Sorrow

By Qwynn Gross
From Facebook
qwynn 01Christian Union ministry fellow and pastor at Hope Cathedral, Qwynn Gross, responds to the murder of George Floyd by exhorting believers to remember the promises of God, depend on His word, and pursue a godly sorrow in light of racial injustice.

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Special Statement from Christian Union

Christian Union
Christian Union released a statement on Tuesday regarding the brutal killing of George Floyd and the racial turmoil in America. 

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The Significant Beauty of Non-Essential Work

By Greg Phelan
03 non essential workFrom The Gospel Coalition
“Do you remember the taste of strawberries?”

That’s the question Sam Gamgee asks an exhausted, starving, and despondent Frodo Baggins as they struggle to march through Mordor. Frodo has lost hope that he’ll reach the end of his journey. But rather than saying, “Muster up your strength! We have essential, important work to do,” Sam simply asks: “Do you remember the Shire?”

Greg Phelan of the Gospel Coalition examines the connection between beauty and work-- how they inspire and encourage one another, and how beauty is more essential than we realize.

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The Collegiate Day of Prayer

By Tom Campisi
From Christian Union
Before the pandemic, Christian Union Lux was honored to host the Collegiate Day of Prayer at Yale University on the evening of February 27 in Dwight Chapel. The two-hour event assembled Yale ministries in united prayer, worship, and exhortation from Scripture, and also served as the national broadcast for over forty thousand online viewers.

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Surfing on God: Peter Kreeft on Surfing, Science, Sanctification, and C.S. Lewis

By Peter Kreeft
From The Table Podcast

surf 05"We must re-mythologize. We must see myth not as the flight from reality, but as the flight to reality. And if we thus love and value myth, we will make them because we are creators made in the image of the Creator. And that’s what Lewis did. That’s what Tolkien did.” Peter Kreeft is Professor of Philosophy at Boston College and has written upwards upwards of 75 books of philosophy, theology, apologetics, essays, reflections, and more." In this audio, Kreeft reflects upon an array of topics from surfing to CS Lewis as he sees God at work in everything.

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Even as we have seen God use Christian Union in powerful ways during the pandemic, COVID-19 continues to have a significant impact on the ministry. Last Friday, Christian Union founder and CEO, Matt Bennett, provided the latest update. Read his update here. Please pray that God would continue to give our ministry faculty creativity and insight on how to minister as they look ahead to the fall semester. Also, please pray that ministry partners will step up to help meet the generous matching gift mentioned in the update.  

As you pray for the rest of our nation, please pray for our students and for our ministry faculty, who continue to minister in the midst of this ongoing racial turmoil and the continuing effects of the pandemic. Pray for wisdom and strength for our faculty during these difficult times.

Please pray for our upcoming CU New York forum on Spiritual Rhythms in Times of Crisis. As pandemic and quarantine have dismantled our existing rhythms and routines, we must go about rebuilding new ones. This topic goes beyond the trivial habits of our lives to include more fundamental rhythms that shape our loves and expressions of righteousness.


Would you join with us in praying for God’s guidance in our next initiative to seek God for revival in America? Ask the Father to confirm the vision and lay the groundwork for something dramatic. Imagine God being glorified as a city or neighborhood experiences a major shift — spiritually, socially, and in every way. We praise God for your partnership.

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