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Christian Union: The Magazine
May 3, 2021

Rachel Gilson Writes New Book About Her Experience  

Rachel Gilson arrived at Yale with a girlfriend and a distaste for narrow-minded Christianity. She had experienced same-sex attraction in high school and quickly fell into a relationship with another young woman. But a few months into her freshman year, the relationship ended, sending Gilson reeling and searching for truth. She started with Rene Descartes, but it was C.S. Lewis’ Mere Christianity that gave her the answers she had been looking for. Through reading the book, she met Christ, repented, and left behind her lesbian lifestyle. 

Rachel GilsonIn her recently published book, Born Again This Way, Gilson addresses head-on the cultural narrative that celebrates LGBTQ+ lifestyles and offers another way forward for those who find themselves attracted to the same sex. Gilson shares honestly about ongoing struggles and temptation, but faithfully presents a biblical view of sexuality, marriage, and singleness while debunking revisionist attempts. 

College students and young adults are being confronted with the question of sexuality all the time. From mainstream media to social pressure to the rapidly changing education system, sex and sexuality ethics have never been a more important topic. 

This is exactly why we need to teach our young people and young adults about the beauty of God’s created order—He made everything, especially our bodies, with purpose and intention for our flourishing and His glory. Christian Union is joyfully equipping university students with the knowledge and confidence to stand for their faith in the midst of a world that tells them their beliefs are cruel or ridiculous. 

In fact, each year, our university ministries hand out free copies of Mere Christianity to the student body. Join us in praying for more stories like Rachel Gilson’s as the one true God breaks through the confusion and lies of our time to unite us to himself. 

Read the full article here.