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November 8, 2021

CBN Airs Segment on CU’s New York Conferences

By Tom Campisi, Managing Editor

In August, the Christian Broadcasting Network (CBN) highlighted some of the supernatural healings and manifestations that have happened at Christian Union’s Gospel of the Kingdom Conferences in New York City. Karen Hetzler, Assistant Ministry Director of Christian Union New York, was a guest on the CBN News Prayer Link program with hosts Wendy Griffith and Charlene Aaron.

1 CBNKaren Hetzler (center) with CBN hosts Wendy Griffith (left) and Charlene Aaron (right)“Does Jesus perform signs, wonders, healings, and miracles today as he did when he walked the earth? Our next guest says ‘absolutely, yes.’ She has witnessed them up close with her own eyes and she's encouraging others to believe in miracles too,” said Aaron as she introduced Hetzler.

Since 2015, Christian Union has hosted Gospel of the Kingdom Conferences biannually in Manhattan. The conferences, which feature Ken Fish of Orbis Ministries, focus on physical and emotional healing, deliverance, prophesy, and other supernatural aspects of ministry.

Two years ago, an attendee was healed of ovarian cysts at a Gospel of the Kingdom conference. At that event, Ken Fish said he had a word from the Spirit, sensing that someone in one section of the audience had an issue with their ovaries.

“The Lord wants to heal you,” Fish said.

“The attendee received prayer and then she went back for a checkup,” Hetzler said. “She told the nurse, ‘I don't know what your faith is or if you have any faith, but I had a group of Christians pray for me in the name of Jesus that I would be healed, so if they (the cysts) are gone, all glory goes to His name.’ The nurse, of course, confirmed that they were completely gone.”

“I recently talked to her to confirm all these details. She gave glory to the name of Jesus. She went for a follow-up checkup a couple of weeks ago, two years after the event, and they're still completely gone.”

“Praise God, Karen,” said Aaron on the broadcast.

Hetzler also shared with CBN News about how people have been delivered from demons at Gospel of the Kingdom conferences, including a man who works on Wall Street.

“Ken Fish called for the Holy Spirit to fall into the room and said, ‘We're just going to watch to see where the Lord is moving and we'll come and pray for you,’” recalled Hetzler.  

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After one of the ministry team members prayed that the man would receive the gift of tongues, another ministry team member “saw something manifesting in him,” Hetzler said. “He prayed, ‘Out, in the name of Jesus! I command you to come out.’”

As Griffith and Aaron discussed deliverance with Hetzler, she said, “These demons don't want to leave people, but the power of Jesus and of His name is so much greater.”

Hetzler rejoices at being able to testify on such a national platform. 

“The name of Jesus is worthy of all honor and glory and power and praise,” she said.

“CBN News heard of the hundreds of healings, miracles, salvations, and deliverances with which Jesus has blessed us all at our Christian Union New York conferences. Jesus is revealing His glory among us.”

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