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June 1, 2019

Senate Chaplain Chief of Staff

Q and A with Lisa Schultz

Lisa Schultz is the Chief of Staff for United States Senate Chaplain Barry C. Black. She directs all of Chaplain Black’s programs and outreach to Senators, their families, and hundreds of Senate staff. Schultz has spent 15 years overseeing Capitol Hill-focused ministries, first as Director of Outreach for the D. James Kennedy Center for Christian Statesmanship and the last 11 years for the Senate Chaplain. Prior to her time serving on Capitol Hill, she lived as a missionary in Schladming, Austria, for seven years under the umbrella of Torchbearers International.


At Christian Union’s Nexus Student Conference in February, Schultz was a member of the law and government panel during the vocational breakout sessions.


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June 1, 2019

A Harvest of Righteousness

Susan Stover and Arthur Stella

He who supplies seed to the sower and bread for food will supply and multiply your seed for sowing and increase the harvest of your righteousness. 

- 2 Corinthians 9:10


Early in Susan Stover’s life, her parents, Bob and Joan Stover, sowed the seeds of generosity. “My parents’ faith journey had a tremendous impact on me,” Susan noted.

“My father became a Christian as a young man after serving in the Navy during World War II. His life reflected his personal belief that he needed to use his talents and resources in the Lord’s service.” After the war, Bob Stover began a temporary employment agency in San Francisco.

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May 2, 2019

Estudio Bíblico

Spanish Language Ministry Debuts at Brown

By Ayleen Sanchez, Brown ’20


For many Christian students, their faith is deeply rooted in culture and language; a sudden transition away from their ethnic community can become an additional challenge in maintaining their faith while in college. With this in mind, the Brown Rhode Island School of Design Catholic Community (BRCC) has launched a Spanish ministry on campus to reach out to Hispanic students.


(From left to right) Giovanna Milano, '22, Maria Cortinez, '22, Cecilia Menendez, first-year FOCUS missionary, Alejandra Roca, '19, Ingrid Mader, '20, Vanesa Mora, '21, and Ayleen Sanchez, '19

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April 30, 2019

Second Chances

Calderon-Payne ’89 Directs BronxConnect 

By Paula Chin


Editor’s note: The following story was reprinted with permission fromBrown Alumni Magazine (www.brownalumnimagazine.com). 


As executive director of BronxConnect, a New York City–based nonprofit that helps at-risk teens, Rev. Wendy Calderon-Payne ’89 has a simple mantra: “He who has two tunics, let him give to him who has none; and he who has food, let him do likewise.”


Rev. Wendy Calderon-Payne ’89 and the staff at BronxConnect

The quote is from the Gospel of Luke, and when she came across the verse one day during her freshman year at Brown, it struck a deep chord. “Jesus’ solution to poverty just made sense to me,” she says. “We have to act when we see injustice or need.” 

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April 1, 2019

Living, Loving at Brown

Christian Union Events Examine Art and Philosophy

by tom campisi, managing editor

Christian Union at Brown helped organize two key events that made inroads and friendships in the arts and philosophy communities.

In February, Christian Union co-hosted an art exhibit entitled “How Do We Live a Good Life?” The event, held at the Leung Family Gallery at Brown, was co-sponsored by the Veritas Forum, Ethical Inquiry, the Office of the Chaplains and Religious Life, and Cornerstone Magazine

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March 19, 2019

Q and A with Max McLean

“Stealing Past Watchful Dragons”

Max McLean is an award-winning actor and founder and artistic director of Fellowship for Performing Arts (FPA). Based in New York City, FPA produces theater from a Christian worldview to engage diverse audiences.

Among his numerous credits, McLean adapted for the stage The Screwtape Letters, C.S. Lewis Onstage: The Most Reluctant Convert, The Great Divorce, Mark’s Gospel, and Martin Luther on Trial. As an actor, he created the roles of Screwtape (London, New York, national tour) and C.S. Lewis in The Most Reluctant Convert(New York, national tour) and Mark in Mark’s Gospel, for which he received a Jeff Award—Chicago theater’s highest honor.

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March 13, 2019

Words of Wisdom

Christian Union Alumni Share Insights, Encouragement at Brown

Tom Campisi
Managing Editor
Christian Union: The Magazine

ayisha jacksonBeing a leader with Christian Union at Brown helped Ayisha Jackson make a smooth transition to urban missionary when she graduated in May.

Jackson, an engineering major, said the ministry’s emphasis on a seeking-God lifestyle and rigorous Bible study prepared her for her work with Renaissance Church in Providence, Rhode Island.

Jackson returned to campus in the fall as a participant in Christian Union’s Life After Graduation panel discussion, which included three other members of the class of 2018 who are active in vocational ministry at Brown: Gianna Uson, an intern with Christian Union; Isaac Whitney, an intern with Athletes in Action; and Katie Hay, an intern with InterVarsity.

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March 2, 2019

Life after Graduation

Christian Union Hosts Alumni Panel Discussion

by tom campisi, managing editor

PanelMagWinter2019Being a leader with Christian Union at Brown helped Ayisha Jackson make a smooth transition to urban missionary when she graduated in May. Jackson, an engineering major, said the ministry’s emphasis on a seeking-God lifestyle and rigorous Bible study prepared her for her work with Renaissance Church in Providence, Rhode Island.

Jackson returned to campus in the fall as a participant in Christian Union’s Life After Graduation panel discussion, which included three other members of the class of 2018 who are active in vocational ministry at Brown: Gianna Uson, an intern with Christian Union; Isaac Whitney, an intern with Athletes in Action; and Katie Hay, an intern with InterVarsity.

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February 11, 2019

A "Good" Life

Brown Student Artists Explore Meaning Together

Sarah Camp
Director of Marketing and Communications

Students involved in Christian Union at Brown recently collaborated with several campus ministries to execute on an engaging, arts-based outreach concept.

brown arts1Brown senior Lydia Haile performs

The multi-faceted exhibit took place on February 6. Students secured a gallery in the student union and put out a request for submissions across Brown and RISD. The show would include painting, music, and poetry, and artist talks.

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January 25, 2019

Encouragement is Key

Student Spotlight: Jose Reyes '19

Jose Reyes is part of the Class of 2019 at Brown University. The biology major, on a neuroscience track, hails from El Paso, Texas. In addition to being a student leader with Christian Union at Brown, he tutors peers in organic chemistry and immunology, and he is also part of an Alzheimer's research lab. Recently, Jose shared his thoughts about the important qualities of a leader and mentor:

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November 15, 2018

Friday Night Lights

Freshman Welcoming Campaign Attracts a Crowd  

by tom campisi, managing editor

At the start of the fall semester, Christian Union at Brown’s faculty wanted to extend its Freshman Welcoming Campaign beyond students who would typically attend a Bible course or leadership lecture series.

To reach a “festive” demographic late on a Friday night, Ministry Fellows Justin Doyle and Laurel Copp, Intern Gianna Uson, and student leaders brought grills and burgers to Wayland Arch, which is located between Frat Row and a freshman dorm quad. Christian Union at Brown set up camp in the midst of partying students, handing out about 150 sliders and bottles of water.

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June 24, 2018

2018 Conference Highlights

The Christian Union Cities Conference convened graduate students and diverse professionals, from recent graduates to seasoned pros, from across industries, to explore compelling ideas about faith and its relevance to every facet of our lives. Graduates of Columbia, Dartmouth, Harvard, University of Pennsylvania, Princeton and Yale explored their role in becoming Christian leaders. (2:26)

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May 14, 2018

A Spiritually Vibrant Nation

A Blessing To The World

Since 2002, Christian Union has worked to help bring sweeping spiritual change to America. We want to see the United States become a spiritually vibrant nation that blesses the world. (5:07)

Please consider giving a generous gift by June 30 to engage even more students with the gospel. Click here to donate today. 

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April 21, 2018

2018 Nexus Highlights

The Nexus 2018 theme of "Turn the World Upside Down" comes from Acts 17, when Christians were accused of turning the world upside down with the message of Jesus Christ. What does it mean to turn the world upside down with the Good News? In God’s "upside down" economy, Christ died so that we might live, the weak are strong, the poor are rich. How can we be a part of what God is doing today? These questions were at the heart of Nexus.

For one weekend, students worshiped and prayed together, heard from high-caliber speakers, experienced engaging breakout sessions, connected with one another in small groups, and built cross-campus ties around shared challenges and opportunities.

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March 12, 2018

SpokenWord Highlights from Nexus 2018

harvard spokenword 2018Over the last weekend in February, nearly 300 students, from Brown, Columbia, Cornell, Dartmouth, Harvard, Penn, Princeton, Stanford, and Yale, gathered in New Brunswick, New Jersey, for Christian Union's Nexus 2018 conference.

On Saturday night, a team from each school competed in the Christian Union SpokenWord competition that required teams to memorize and present any selection of scripture passages in a spoken word style. The presentations were powerful, creative, and inspiring. A highly energetic audience spurred each team on, and after jubilantly celebrating the top performances, performers and audience together broke into a playful dance party to cap off the joyous celebration of the power of God's Word! 

Watch the top three finalists, below, as revealed at Nexus 2018:

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February 23, 2018

Nexus 2018

The Christian Union Conference on Faith and Action

Nexus 2018 gathered nearly 300 students from nine of the United States' most influential universities for a challenging and inspiring weekend. Undergraduate attendees represented Brown, Columbia, Cornell, Dartmouth, Harvard, Penn, Princeton, Stanford, and Yale. 

For one weekend, students worshiped and prayed together, heard from high-caliber speakers, experienced engaging breakout sessions, connected with one another in small groups, and built cross-campus ties around shared challenges and opportunities.

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January 3, 2017

Kylen Soriano, Class of 2018

A Student's Perspective


Kylen Soriano, Class of 2018, is one of the students involved with Christian Union's ministry at Brown. The biology major hails from Los Angeles, California. His campus activities include: Christian Union (2015-16 Co-President); Club Basketball; Undergraduate Research in Regenerative Medicine (Biotechnology); and First-Year Advising. 

"Because I am attending Brown, my faith has grown more in the last two years than during the rest of my life as a believer. I grew up in the church, went to youth group and led worship. I lived in a Christian bubble and didn't really know what kids my age actually did. Brown couldn't have been more of an eye-opener.

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August 19, 2016

Former Brown Student Decries PC Campus Culture

Brown-Students-Decry-PC-Culture-CU-TodayFormer Brown University student Rob Montz, who graduated in 2005 with a degree in philosophy, has released a 13 minute documentary film that voices his concerns about the suppression of free speech at his alma mater. The film has polarized students and faculty, some saying it uses hyperbole and shock value, while others say it is entirely accurate.

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April 29, 2016

Faith and Vocation

Nexus Conference Networks, Inspires Students and Professionals

By Eileen Scott, Senior Writer
CU_Nexus_2016_145Nexus: The Christian Union Conference on Faith and Action explored the convergence of culture, career, and Christianity for 317 students from some of the nation's most influential universities.

The Omni Hotel in New Haven, Connecticut, just a couple blocks from Yale University, was home to a weekend of vibrant worship, continuous and intercessory prayer and engaging messages from powerful plenary speakers on April 1-3. Students from Brown, Columbia, Cornell, Dartmouth, Harvard, Penn, Princeton, and Yale attended the conference, which offered insight, inspiration, networking, and practical advice on discerning God's purpose for life, campus, and career.

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