Create Your Legacy

Planned gifts are typically made through provisions in a revocable trust or will.
Other planned gifts include: securities or real estate, life insurance policies, beneficiary designations of an IRA or other tax-deferred retirement account, and gifts that provide tax-advantaged income by means of charitable trusts or gift annuities.
- Planned gifts are popular because of the financial flexibility and tax benefits they provide.
- They are also an effective means of Christian stewardship as they redirect assets to ministry that otherwise might be lost to income taxes, capital gains taxes, or estate taxes.
Consider making a bequest to Christian Union by will or living trust, or by other creative ways in which you, your loved ones and Christian Union can all benefit.
Navigate planned giving options in the menu to the left.
Please contact the Annual Giving Associate to explore planned giving options.
Financial Partner Testimony
"I give generously of my time, finances and prayers because I believe so much in Christian Union. In return I am blessed in so many ways."
- Adair Webb