Experience God Like Never Before
A CU Fire Retreat is a 1.5-day nationwide simulcast retreat. Experience spiritual rejuvenation and encouragement with your friends or any other Christian community. This can all happen at your church or from the comfort of your own home with your friends.
Watch this 3.5-minute video to witness the power of a CU Fire Retreat:
The Next CU Fire Retreat
America Returning to God
October 4-5, 2024
Learn more at CUFire.org or click the button below to register.
Register Now!

Why CU Fire Retreats?
CU Fire Retreats were created to help believers experience God more deeply and fully. If you long for a closer relationship with the God who loves you, a CU Fire Retreat might be a tremendous next step. Taking more time to seek the Lord and draw close to Him will dramatically impact your closeness to God.
While we can all seek God in our own time, doing so with friends and people you want to get to know helps deepen the bonding and creates powerful camaraderie.
Christian Union founder and president, Matt Bennett, said, "Focused times of drawing near to God have an incredibly positive impact on Christians. Such times provide powerful spiritual strengthening and renewed vision. You can view Matt Bennett’s bio here and an interview with Matt by CBN here (5:21).
As more and more Christians take time to seek God and grow stronger in Him, God draws near to us with His increased power and presence in our churches, communities, and nation. Many are frustrated with the spiritual decline in their communities and the nation, and seeking the Lord is the answer.
As believers grow strong in the Lord, their vibrant faith will bring a supernatural change.
Visit CUFire.org to learn more or to sign up for a CU Fire Retreat today.
Fire Retreat Speakers
The speaker lineup for the October 2024 Fire Retreat is as follows:Matt Bennett
Topic: "Repenting of Worshiping Other Gods"

Matt Bennett is the Founder and President of Christian Union, a Christian leadership development organization with the mission to bring sweeping spiritual and cultural transformation to our nation and the world by developing and networking Christian leaders to make an impact for Christ. Christian Union focuses on America's most influential universities and professionals in the nation's key cities.
A native of Houston, Texas, Matt earned a BS and MBA degree from Cornell University and holds a Master of Divinity degree from Trinity Evangelical Divinity School. He worked for Campus Crusade for Christ (Cru) at Princeton University for 12 years and developed the ministry into one of the largest in the history of the Ivy League. In 2002, he founded Christian Union. The ministry has been featured in The New York Times, PBS, NPR, Christianity Today, and World Magazine. Matt currently resides in New York City.
Dimas Salaberrios
Topic: "Power of Prayer in Reviving God's People"
In addition to being a NY pastor and the Ministry Associate for CU New York, he is the author of “Street God: The Explosive True Story of a Former Drug Boss,” and his film “Chicago: America’s Hidden War” was recently nominated for an Oscar for “Best Documentary Feature”! Pastor Dimas Salaberrios is a faith leader, film producer, prayer warrior, and author. He is the founder and former pastor of Infinity Bible Church in New York City, and the President Emeritus of Concerts of Prayer Greater New York. Dimas has been on the frontlines of the earthquakes in Haiti, and Hurricane Harvey in Houston. After the shootings in Saint Paul, Dallas, Charleston, and Paris, Dimas organized believers to infiltrate the protests and pray with hurting people. He has also organized prayer during the George Floyd protests in Minneapolis and New York City. His directorial debut is titled “Chicago: America’s Hidden War” (https://www.chicagoshiddenwar.com), and he co-produced the documentary film “Emanuel.”
Dimas is married to Tiffany and has three daughters. Learn more about Dimas by visiting http://thedynamiclifeministry.com/pastor-dimas/
Andy Woodard
Topic: "Cultivating a Lifestyle of Seeking God Wholeheartedly"
Andy is the Executive Director of Christian Union New York.
CU Fire Retreat Schedule
(Subject to Change)Friday Evening :: 6-9pm Local Time
Welcome and Orientation |
Start / Group Sharing or Testimonies |
Zoom Message (Streamed) |
Group Prayer / Response to Message |
Saturday :: 8am - 8pm Local Time
Saturday Morning
Arrival / Prayers of Adoration and Praise |
Bible Reading |
Zoom Worship and Message |
Live Q&A |
Saturday Afternoon
Group Discussion (Response to Message) |
Bible Reading followed by Group Discussion: What is God Like? |
Group (Streamed) Worship + Video followed by Group Discussion |
Prayer |
Saturday Evening
Meal |
Zoom Message |
Group Discussion (Response to Message) |
Group Wrap Up (Testimonies, Discussion, and Prayer) |
“CU Fire was amazing. The way I was able to meet with God and connect to others has broken some chains off of my heart!! The experience was invaluable.”
– Kimberly
"And let us consider how we may spur one another on toward love and good deeds. Let us not give up meeting together, as some are in the habit of doing, but let us encourage one another--and all the more as you see the Day approaching."
– Hebrews 10:24
My first experience as a participant of a CU fire retreat connected me with like minded believers seeking the Lord for revival. Our time praying together and seeking God in the scriptures was powerful. When given the opportunity to host during the next CU fire retreat I was all in.
– Guy