God Is Moving in Secular Places
Testimonies Reveal God is at Work in America's Most Influential Universities
By erin conner, writer and communications associate
Universities such as Brown, Cornell, Princeton, and Yale produce a disproportionate number of influential leaders across the nation, as these schools fall into the top ranking universities in America. In fact, almost seventy percent of America's most influential leaders graduate from just 20 of America's 3000+ undergraduate educational institutions.
Across America, many believe that these schools are too secular to see a move of God, but others believe that these schools sit at the heart of a future national revival. Despite the increase in destructive ideologies that are pervasive in these types of institutions, God is on the move to demonstrate truth, love, and the way out of a secular culture and mindset of depavity, deception, and despair.
Christian Union ministry leaders who serve students at each of the schools were asked last spring to share how they have seen God working on their respective campuses.
Providence, Rhode Island
Sheri Casali, ministry fellow for Christian Union Libertas at Brown, shared, "As this year comes to a close, I am reflecting on the steadfast faithfulness of our God. He has exceeded our expectations and answered many prayers. I remember in September, asking for prayer for full, vibrant Bible courses. This year, we have had an abundant overflow of Brown students participating in weekly Bible courses. In addition to full Bible courses, we prayed for gospel exposures and the name of Jesus to saturate the entire campus of this University. Starting with freshman campaign, where we had a string of events all throughout September to welcome students, as well as worship events on campus, tabling and handing out books and scripture tracts, and our latest campaign, CU Rise, we have had an incredible amount of gospel exposures!" Casali continued, "This year, we have had more students dive into questions about Christianity than I have ever seen in years past. It is evidence that the Lord of the harvest is on the move on our campus!"
Ithaca, New York
"We have had an incredible semester in our Christian Union Bible courses at Cornell, with new students continuing to join the community on an almost weekly basis. We celebrate the Lord’s continuing faithfulness to grow the ministry as we coach and train close to 100 future Christian leaders to seek the Lord wholeheartedly. The sense of community has also continued to grow stronger as our students have studied, worshiped, and shared the good news of Jesus throughout the spring," shared Marcus Buckley, ministry director of Christian Union Vita at Cornell University.
"Our monthly worship events have continued to grow and attract new students, and have provided a critical time of spiritual refreshing and time in the Word. The Mott Center is being filled to the point that we are in the process of securing an auditorium on campus large enough to better accommodate all for worship nights in the future!"
Princeton, New Jersey
"Our freshman men gathered together for a BBQ and firepit and reflected on their experiences this year at Princeton. Invariably, they answered that the best part about Princeton is the Christian community and the friends they’ve made in Christian Union," shared ministry director of Christian Union Nova at Princeton, Mike Vincent.
"The CU outreach team at Princeton led a campus-wide initiative called 'Doubts for Donuts' during which students were able to write in to us their doubts and questions about Christianity and receive a visit from one of our students with a donut and an answer to their question. We had many responses and wonderful conversations with many students including some lengthy conversations about faith with unbelievers, one of whom expressed interest in coming to some of our events! We also found some Christians who have been floundering in their faith and wanted to get more involved."
New Haven, Connecticut
Jeff Walsh, ministry director for Christian Union Lux at Yale, said, "I'd like to share some testimonies from our students about how the semester is wrapping up here at Yale following their massive prayer and worship night. At Christian Union Lux's final Leadership Lecture Series to close out this semester, over 50 students were in attendance. CU Lux closes out each semester with a traditional ‘Stones of Remembrance Night’ where students share their testimonies. Both segments of worship and student sharing were powerful this past week."
Walsh continued, "God is at work in these students' lives! Students shared testimonies of having wonderful breakthroughs and healing from physical ailments, fear, sexual addictions, anxiety, suicide ideation, and unbelief. The testimonies shared this night included how Christian Union has helped to empower students to hear God speak, to be built up and strengthened in community, to be enabled to walk in peace, and to learn to trust God in the midst of the demands of school and work. Students are leaving the school year filled with the living presence of the Lord. To God be all the glory."
From testimonies such as these, it is evident that God is moving in meaningful ways at some of the most secular places in America. Christian Union ministry directors, fellows, and students are living proof that there is hope in a culture of despair: His name is Jesus.
Learn more about how to join this movement to make Christ known by visiting
The Power of Worship
Brown and Columbia Student Leaders Reflect on Worship
By Erin conner, writer and communication associate
Christian Union Universities, a Christian leadership development ministry at ten highly secular and influential educational institutions in America, aims to provide training and growth opportunities for students to lead others in devotion to God in their spheres of influence.
One area of leadership that students develop during their time with Christian Union is worship. The following thoughts from Christian Union ministry team leaders at Brown and Columbia University reveal the power of worship on their campuses and in believers' lives.
Three Lessons in Revival
When God Woke Up Wales
By erin conner, writer and communications associate
In an article published by Desiring God, Pastor Jeremy Walker writes a brief summary and analysis of the revival that took place in Wales, England in the 1700's. Walker notably writes that “the Lord was pleased to stir the listless and lethargic to liveliness and labor during the 18th Century in various parts of the world by various human instruments. In England, God raised up George Whitefield. In America… Jonathan Edwards, and in Wales… Daniel Rowland.”
Christian Union Alumni Host Online Film Discussion
Oscar-Nominated Film Discussion Set to Unite Students and Alumni
By erin conner, writer and communications associate
In 2021, Christian Union alumni from Columbia and Penn gathered to discuss religious themes in film. This event was spearheaded by Columbia alumnus and Film and Media Studies major Stephen Cone ’20. Participants of the event gathered, in part, at Christian Union's Ministry Center at Columbia for a discussion entitled, “Where Is God in the Movies?”
Attendees enjoyed a presentation from Cone that examined the role of religion in Terrence Malick’s Days of Heaven (1978). The discussion that followed focused on how Christian artists can represent and convey their faith through their chosen medium. Megan Foo, '19 alumna of Penn who currently works in Hong Kong, was in attendance that day. She enjoyed the event so much that she decided to help Cone plan a similar event on Jane Campion's 'The Power of the Dog' in 2022.
The Revolutionary Power of Christian Retreats
One Student Ministry's Unstoppable Heart to See God Transform Lives
by Erin conner, writer & communications associate
It's not easy or convenient to plan a weekend away. It is much easier to choose not to disrupt the pattern of life and to stay within the confines of routine. Disruption is not easy for anyone, but it is especially difficult for Ivy League students. Their rigorous academic schedules are full of the demands and pressures of achievement at the highest level, so stepping away from it all during the school year is nothing short of revolutionary.
Stepping away to retreat with the Lord and with each other is a beautiful gateway into the freedom Christ came to give--freedom, in part, from the weight of the standards, values, and identity placed upon us by the world. The students of Christian Union are learning to live in this kind of freedom, and, as a result, they are sharing it with others.
Come and See His Impact
A Cornerstone Partner Visits Christian Union Libertas at Brown
By Don Stahl; written in February of 2023
Ever wonder, “what is that ministry really like?”
As a Cornerstone Partner, I certainly knew something of what Christian Union seeks to do, and saw lots of evidence that it was genuinely touching the lives of the next generation of leaders. But in my experience working with over 100 non-profits and ministries throughout my career, I have found there is nothing like “showing up!”
So, by prior arrangement, I did. I am so glad I went!
Christian Union Connects Leaders in a New City
Christian Union Washington, DC Hosts First Annual Reception
by erin conner, writer and communications associate
On a warm October evening in Arlington, VA, close to two dozen people gathered to attend Christian Union's first annual Washington, DC reception. This reception included a meet and greet for attendees to connect with other Christian Union alumni and friends of the ministry. It also hosted Carrie Sheffield, a nationally renowned columnist and broadcaster, as the guest speaker to share an overview of her recently published memoir, Motorhome Prophecies. Sheffield, a Harvard alumna and member of Christian Union America, will be serving in an advisory role for the Christian Union Washington, DC Board of Advisors.
Carrie Sheffield sharing at Christian Union's Washington, DC Reception
Student Leaders Focus on Freshmen and Faith
Reaching Freshmen at Our Nation's Most Secular Schools with the Love of Christ
by Erin conner, writer & communications associate
Student leaders at Christian Union such as Foster Cardinale and Teddy Taylor, seniors at Cornell University, are generously and joyfully giving their time and effort to warmly welcome the incoming class of students on their campus. Cardinale and Taylor were both involved in Christian Union Bible Courses last year and will be leading freshman Bible Courses this upcoming academic year. Both had the idea to take pizzas to the freshman quad during the first week of classes, as Cornell's dining staff members were on strike and students were only being served bagged meals. Both are selflessly serving others as higher than themselves.
There is Hope: His Name is Jesus
Ministry Leaders Testify How God is Moving at Four Top Colleges
by erin conner, writer and communications associate
Christian Union ministry leaders who serve students at Brown, Cornell, Princeton, and Yale recently shared how they see God working on their respective campuses. Across America, many believe that these types of schools are too secular to see a move of God, while others believe that these schools sit at the heart of a future national spiritual revival. From the following testimonies, it is clear that, despite the increasingly destructive ideologies pervasive at these schools, God is on the move to demonstrate truth, love, and a way out of a culture inarguably producing disorder and despair.
What is Christian Union?
A Ministry that Equips Tranformative Christian Leaders for Life
By Erin conner, writer and communications associate
Christian Union has been in the national spotlight for several weeks now. From magazine and newspaper articles, television interviews, a podcast appearance, a Worldwide Prayer Meeting at Yale with the Summit International School of Ministry that was live-streamed across multiple countries, and social media ads running from the west to the east coast of the U.S., many people in faith-based circles are asking, "What is Christian Union?"
Christian Union is a leadership development ministry that works at ten of the nation's most influential educational institutions and beyond to develop and connect Christians to transform culture for God's glory.
Christian Union (CU) is a unique ministry in that it meets a comprehensive set of needs in our nation's young adults:
Nothing is More Loving
Sharing Christ with an "Unreached People Group" at Cornell and Beyond
By Erin conner, writer and communications associate
While students and faculty were protesting in Ithaca's public spaces and headlines were raging with anger and allegations about attacks on freedom in The Cornell's Daily Sun, Christian Union (CU) Vita students were fixing their eyes on the Author and Finisher of their faith. These students recently surrendered their week of spring break to serve the Lord. They are not looking to the right or to the left; instead, they are gazing upon the beauty of the Lord, knowing He is the One who sustains them and keeps them from sinking into the surrounding culture of despair, as they share the Hope that they have in Jesus Christ with anyone who will listen.
Jesus Disrupts: 2024 Evangelism Campaign
CU Rise Set to "Disrupt" Spiritual Climate of U.S. Colleges
By erin conner, writer and communications associate
In 2022, Christian Union first launched CU Rise, an evangelism campaign designed to share the gospel with students at nine of the nation’s most influential universities more boldly, strategically, and frequently than ever before. This month, Christian Union is at it again, as CU Rise takes form for the third spring in a row with its campaign entitled "Jesus Disrupts."
For eight weeks, starting March 17, the goal of CU Rise is to proclaim the gospel, disrupting the current spiritual climate at highly secular universities that produce a disproportionate amount of U.S. and global leaders. Matt Bennett, Founder and President of Christian Union, recently told the Christian Post that this theme was chosen “to introduce students to how radical Jesus is.”
The schools across the country that this campaign will focus on include Brown University of Rhode Island, Columbia University of New York, Cornell University of New York, Dartmouth College of New Hampshire, Harvard University of Massachusetts, the University of Pennsylvania, Princeton University of New Jersey, Yale University of Connecticut, and Stanford University of California.
“Students today at the nation’s most rigorous schools are largely unaware of the most important message in the history of humanity. Jesus Christ has brought more good into the world than any other person, and these students deserve to know, said Bennett. "Jesus is also the only one who can forgive sins and transfer us from the kingdom of darkness to the kingdom of light. We need to do everything we can to give these students the opportunity to believe in Him.”
Read Christian Post's full article entitled "‘Jesus disrupts’: Christian Student Group to Launch 8-week Evangelism Tour" here.
Read FaithWire's related article entitled, "Christian Leader's Sobering Comparision Between Communist China and Ivey League Campuses" here.
View and share videos, testimonies, or articles from the CU Risecampaign that explain Christianity here.
Mentoring Unites Grads Across the Globe
Christian Union Provides Support for Alumni
By Erin conner, writer and communications associate
Tiffany Agyarko, a civil engineer and Princeton alumna, had many new aspects of life to manage when she graduated in May 2023. In the course of just a few weeks, Agyarko had packed up her life as a university student in New Jersey to move to Houston, Texas, to immediately begin her career.
The one area of her new life that she did not need to invest time and energy into researching was the area of spiritual mentorship. Christian Union had provided this small yet meaningful anchor for her when she relocated. Moving to an entirely new city, sometimes even to a new country, to build a professional life and find a supportive, like-minded community of faith can be daunting. With this in mind, Christian Union established its mentoring program to help ease the post graduation transition.
Baptisms at Brown
Public Declarations of Faith Start the New Year
By erin conner, writer and communications associate
"...Your kingdom come, Your will be done, on earth as it is in heaven" (Matthew 6:10).
A new year brings hope for new beginnings, and at Brown University, the start of the year brought forth a celebration of new life in Jesus Christ. Christian Union Libertas at Brown celebrated the baptisms of two students, Matteo Sredzinski and Layla Lynch, this January.
A Story of Character and Influence
Student Spotlight: Caroline Parente, '24, Brown University
By Erin Conner
Strength and honor are her clothing; and she shall rejoice in time to come. She openeth her mouth with wisdom; and in her tongue is the law of kindness… she eateth not the bread of idleness… favor is deceitful, and beauty is vain: but a woman that feareth the Lord, she shall be praised.- Proverbs 31: 25-30
For Such a Time as This
A Devotional to Prepare Our Hearts for a New Year
By Dr. Marcus Buckley, Ministry Director at Christian Union Vita at Cornell
"And they told Mordecai what Esther had said. Then Mordecai told them to reply to Esther, “Do not think to yourself that in the king’s palace you will escape any more than all the other Jews. For if you keep silent at this time, relief and deliverance will rise for the Jews from another place, but you and your father’s house will perish. And who knows whether you have not come to the kingdom for such a time as this?” Then Esther told them to reply to Mordecai, “Go, gather all the Jews to be found in Susa, and hold a fast on my behalf, and do not eat or drink for three days, night or day. I and my young women will also fast as you do. Then I will go to the king, though it is against the law, and if I perish, I perish.” Mordecai then went away and did everything as Esther had ordered him." -Esther 4:12-17
Seek the Prince of Peace
Join Our 21-Day Fast
By chuck hetzler, PhD, vice president of biblical theology
Is Israel’s current war a sign of the end times? How should we, as Christians, think about the war? What can and should we do?
Christian Union is calling all American Christians to start the year with a 21-day fast, Tuesday, January 2, through Monday, January 22, 2024, to humble ourselves and seek God in light of the current events in the Middle East.
The upcoming CU National Fast is titled "Jesus Christ, Prince of Peace for All Nations." Christian Union faculty and staff will write devotionals based on Scripture, which will be sent to all signed-up participants by email each day of the fast.
Repent, for the Kingdom of God is Near
A Closer Look at Jesus' Call to Repentance
By Erin Conner
Repentance is a beautiful word. It is the name of the road that leads out of darkness. It is the name of the road that leads to life. It is a Biblical concept that, depending on the type of church we grew up in or currently attend, may seem harsh, foreign, or antiquated. As a true follower of God, deep and ongoing repentance, the act of turning away from sin to wholeheartedly following the Lord, is a life-giving spiritual discipline.
From a deep immersion into Scripture, we find that God never intended for repentance to be a spiritual discipline of the past. God never intended for his people to ignore His commands. In fact, Christ said, “If you love me, keep my commandments.” (John 14:15) He never intended His people to be “of the world,” obeying the world’s “commands” while neglecting His. (Romans 12:2) We find God never intended self-worship (or any other form of idolatry) to co-exist with the worship of God. From a deep immersion into Scripture, we also find that God never intended for people to go through the motions of repentance without a contrite heart.
They Will Know Us by Our Love
College Students Struggle as Israel-Hamas War Continues
By erin conner
"By this all people will know that you are my disciples, if you have love for one another." -John 13:35
Many of our nation’s colleges and universities have been in a state of turmoil since the October 7 attacks against Israel. Christianity Today’s recent article by Emily Belz, “As Campus Threats Rise, College Ministries Look for Ways to Help,” takes a closer look at how Christian Union and other ministries are responding.
The Power of a Seeking God Lifestyle
Highlight: CU America member, Erika Lamara Garrett, LMFT
By Erin Conner
“It was the fall that saved my life,” Erika Lamara Garrett explained. In January of 2020, at the age of 33, Garrett fell. The injuries she sustained from this fall confined her to a bed and made her dependent on others to perform basic daily activities. Despite the desperation of her circumstances while on bed rest, she sensed the Lord telling her, “Erika- you will see the goodness of the Lord in the land of the living.”