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The spiritual condition of our day demands a serious, wholehearted, unified response from the Church; the...
May 2, 2016
WCU-Four-Types-of-Faith-CUThe parable of the farmer sowing seeds in chapter 8 of Luke, while one of the more well-known parables, is also a powerful call to self-reflection.  

While the parable itself is important, it is the explanation that Christ gives His apostles that is the most remarkable:

This is the meaning of the parable: The seed is the word of God. Those along the path are the ones who hear, and then the devil comes and takes away the word from their hearts, so that they may not believe and be saved. Those on the rocky ground are the ones who receive the word with joy when they hear it, but they have no root. They believe for a while, but in the time of testing they fall away. The seed that fell among thorns stands for those who hear, but as they go on their way they are choked by life’s worries, riches and pleasures, and they do not mature. But the seed on good soil stands for those with a noble and good heart, who hear the word, retain it, and by persevering produce a crop. (Luke 8:11-15)

In an Icthus article, Harvard student Brooke Dickens takes a closer look at the four types of faith that Christ outlines in this parable, and challenges us to answer honestly where God’s word falls in our lives:

1.     Apathetic Faith

This faith never took root – it never even reached the soil. It was trampled because it was weak and it was eaten because it had nothing to ground it. This faith is apathetic. It is present because it exists, but it sits idly on the sidewalk.

. . .

This kind of faith, or lack thereof, permeates today’s society. It thrives in the ideology of:“If I live a good life and I do the best I can and I don’t hurt anyone, then I’m fine. I’m a good person after all. Christianity has some good lessons and good morals and good values, so if I try to live out some of those I’m on track. God loves me after all, so no matter what I do, I’m fine.”

2.     Selfish Faith

Landing upon land of temporary promise, this seed sprouts quickly, desperately reaching upwards towards the heavens and straining to see the sun, as it frantically stores water to nourish itself. So focused on its climb, so desperate to live the good life, this seed demands more than its feeble foundation can support and soon withers in the breeze.

This is selfish faith, thriving in the belief that: “If only I pray enough, if I serve enough, if I do enough good works – God will bless me and I will live a full and prosperous life.” This faith misses the point – the foundation of this faith is wrong. This faith is me-centered, not Christ-centered. It looks hopeful in the beginning, manifesting itself in prayer and good works.

3.     Material Faith

Buds begin to form, signaling the promise of gorgeous flowers. Obsessed with its beauty, this seed waves brilliantly in the breeze, only to become tangled in the thorns that surround it. Swollen with pride, it ignores each thorn’s deflating pierce, finally choking under the pressure of its surroundings. This is material faith.

. . .

Those who subscribe to this faith may recognize God’s presence and his blessings in their life – and indeed there may be many to acknowledge– but soon their attention turns away from God. Instead of worshiping the creator of all things one begins to worship his creations, deriving happiness and fulfillment not from the love of Christ but from the presence of material possessions. The true identity of this faith is obsessed with adorning itself in worldly jewels, not building itself up in the armor of God.

4.     Devoted Faith

The fourth – a faith where the seed fell on good soil, to grow and be nourished and yield abundant crop . . . Beautifully it buds, each year more brilliantly than the last, continually stronger and unshaken by the storms. Standing tall, it knows its worth and lives to share that worth and beauty.

This is dedicated faith. This is a faith established to last and nourished to survive even the toughest trials. This is faith with Christ at the center, a faith that says, “I am nothing without my Savior and to Him I owe it all. In Him alone I stand strong, in Him alone I achieve fulfillment.”

These descriptions of four types of faith call us to a deeper examination of our own faith. Are we motivated by our sincere longing to seek God, or is something else choking us and turning our desires elsewhere? Regardless of where our hearts and desires have been directed, it is never to late to begin cultivating our faith, and making God the true focus of our life.  If we are truly open to God’s Word, the we shall surely hear it, and be able to bear fruit for His glory. As Christ said at the end of the parable, “Whoever has ears to hear, let them hear.” — Luke 8:15

RELATED: Want to go deeper in your faith? Sign up for our newsletter and receive a free download of Christian Union’s “CU’s Seeking God Lifestyle” Bible Course Manual (details at bottom of this page)