Christian Union Libertas Celebrates Spring Baptisms
By sheri casali, ministry fellow at christian union libertas at brown
"Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation, the old has passed away; behold, the new has come. All this is from God, who through Christ reconciled us to Himself and gave us the ministry of reconciliation; that is in Christ God was reconciling the world to Himself, not counting their trespasses against them, and entrusting to us the message of reconciliation."- 1 Corinthians 5:17-19
We are praising the Lord for four baptisms back-to-back the last two Sundays! This past Sunday, two of our seniors, Amaya Allen and Nikki Tang, were baptized at Aletheia Church in Providence. The prior Sunday, two of our freshmen, Claire Piron and Chia Ikeyi, were baptized at Sacred City Church. Each lady shared powerful testimonies of how Jesus has transformed their lives in miraculous ways. Their steadfast commitment to serve Jesus has been an encouragement and brought much joy to their peers. There is something so beautiful about watching a believer take this step of obedience in their walk with Christ.
The power of a life marked by Jesus has a ripple effect in a tight community such as Brown. One of Claire’s professors, who is not a professed believer, texted her the day of her baptism, “Happy baptism day.” In addition, each lady has been sharing the gospel with their unsaved friends through direct conversations and their changed way of life. This is a significant moment to share as we believe that our prayers and testimonies are moving heaven onto earth at Brown University.
Following the baptisms each Sunday, we shared a time of fellowship at the ministry center with brunch and fruitful conversations. The atmosphere was filled with the joy of the Lord as we celebrated what Jesus has done in their lives.
We believe that in these sacred moments, God is continuing to show us His faithfulness and His promise to restore a campus that seems so far from Him. The baptisms that took place are confirmation for the community at Christian Union Libertas that our prayers are being answered and the Lord of the harvest is preparing the ground for revival.
Please pray with us for students that seem the farthest from God to find our community and receive the good news that Jesus loves them and seeks to save them.
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