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Dear CU Gloria Law Cornerstone Partners and friends of the ministry,

Greetings from Harvard Law School!

If you’ve ever visited Harvard, any time during the year, you can go on a guided tour of the campus led at times by current students. One of the stops on the tour is the famous “John Harvard” statue in Harvard Yard. The question is then asked if anyone knows the “3 LIES” of the John Harvard statue with the inscription of “Founder” and the date 1638. This was highlighted in a well known scene in the film, The Social Network, when some men were being tested on this very question in the dead of winter. The three lies that they are referring to are these:

  1. It is not actually a statue of John Harvard
  2. Harvard was not founded in 1638.
  3. John Harvard is not the founder.

I’ll leave it up to you to find out the truths behind these false statements on your own!

But I would also tell you that there is another lie that people believe about Harvard – that God is dead at Harvard. I can tell you with all certainty that God is not dead at Harvard! Through the work of Christian Union and other campus ministries, God is doing something special here on campus!

At HLS, we were able to meet and connect with over 50 students during our 1L Welcoming Campaign. Our student executive team and the leadership team laid down the foundation during the summer months to reach out to every student that expressed interest in Christian community. And we discovered this year that sometimes “less is more!” With the fewest events this year, we reached more students than ever. And with over four Bible Courses being offered this semester, we are seeing our largest group of students signing up to participate!

We have laid down the foundation for this upcoming year of ministry with prayer and focus. Our team saw this at our centerpiece gathering when we worshiped together and prayed for one another–that we might glorify God in everything we do.

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The student executive and leadership team gathered for a special time of prayer this weekend, and I’d invite you to pray with us for this year.

  • Pray for our incoming 2027 class! We are praying that each student will find a community of deep faith that will challenge and inspire them to go deep in their understanding of their identity in Christ. We hope that they would engage in the study of God’s Word and the work of God’s Kingdom at the Law School.
  • We’re praying for boldness and courage to speak up and make Jesus the most “talked about name on campus!” Our goal this year is to make sure the gospel message is spoken publicly at outreach events and special speaker events.
  • Our student president has called upon the ministry this year to make corporate prayer a priority in our events. There needs to be an intentionality to seek God wholeheartedly on our knees praying for revival.
  • Finally, pray that we develop meaningful relationships with one another. Our passion is to mentor and disciple our students.

Thank you for your continued prayers and financial support. I know that our students are so very grateful for your faithfulness and the legacy of faith that you bring to what we do on campus. Your generosity changes lives and perhaps, changes a culture! Thank you!

In sincerity and appreciation,

Justin Yim
Ministry Director, Christian Union Gloria Law
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