Greetings from Princeton! God is on the move here in Christian Union Nova and I’m excited to share with you some of the amazing things that are happening!Greetings from Princeton!
Just before our spring semester started, we took thirty-one students up to Camp of the Woods retreat center in the Adirondack Mountains for our annual Ski Safari Winter Retreat. This retreat has consistently proven to be one of the most impactful and transformative things we do for our students, and this year did not disappoint! One thing that set this retreat apart from prior years was the passion for prayer that was present among the students. Each morning at 7 am, we told students that there would be an optional hour of prayer before breakfast - a tall order for most college students. My expectation of a handful was blown away as over half the students showed up to pray at this hour. While the number of students was impressive, the quality of prayer was even more so as prayers would swell to loud collective cries for the Holy Spirit to be poured out. He answered in powerful ways throughout the week, including a miraculous healing of a student’s jaw! Jaw pain and locking that had been consistent for years stopped after another student prayed for her! Praise our God who heals!

He wasn’t the only one. So powerful was the retreat that students began to share testimonies across campus and began inviting many more people to our Friday night Leadership Lecture Series which we call Encounter. Last semester, this meeting averaged about 55 students. So far in February, we’re averaging about 90! Lots of new faces are coming at the invitation of our students, especially those who came on our retreat. Many of the new students are not Christians! It’s this kind of boldness and passion that characterized the early church in the Book of Acts. I pray that many more would come to know that Christ is Lord at Princeton.

"Under God's Power, She Flourishes,"
Mike Vincent
Ministry Director, Christian Union Nova
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