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Dear Cornerstone Partners and friends of CU Lux,

God is at Yale. The Bible calls them signs; our students call them God sightings—everyday moments that remind us of God’s character. We think of them as events that cause us to give praise to God. Some are “wow” moments, and others are small in nature.

At CU Lux, we practice sharing God sightings during weekly gatherings in small and large groups or in one-on-one meetings. There’s never an awkward silence. God is seen in action all the time. Students testify that He is the I AM, the one who is present with his people at Yale:

  • during our weekly Bible courses, where the word of God reveals hope for the deepest hurts and student problems
  • during our fall retreat, where we learned how to hear the voice of God amid the clamor of other competitive voices
  • during our Encounter meetings, where student prayers become hymns
  • during daily devotionals, where the hearts of students are tuned to the heart of God
  • during conversations with friends and strangers who show us the image of God
  • during class lectures, where all truth is God’s truth

God sightings at Yale invite us to marvel and worship. Will you worship with us? Will you also pray that God sightings will increase this semester? We are learning that seeing God takes seeking God; seeking Him in Scripture, in prayer, in charitable conversations with each other, and in our actions of faithfulness to God.

Thank you for making God sightings possible through your continued prayers and support.


Ben Pascut
Ministry Director
Christian Union Lux