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Therefore, confess your sins to one another and pray for one another, that you may be healed. The prayer of a righteous person has great power as it is working. — James 5:16

How a Handful of Schools Are Shaping American Society

Leaders matter. For better or for worse – they determine what we represent as a society, who we are as a people, and where we are going as a nation.

A relatively small number of leaders from just a handful of leading universities are shaping American culture. The universities they attend are almost devoid of Christian influence. Professors are free to mold students according to their secular and materialist ideologies.

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Click the image above to view Christian Union's 2016 Annual Report. If you do not see an image, download a .pdf version of the 2016 annual report.

How Can Christians Be Most Strategic in Impacting Culture?

Out of the 3,039 four-year colleges and universities in the country, 63 percent of the most influential leaders in our nation come from just twenty universities. Christian Union develops Christian leaders at the leading universities in America, in the most culturally strategic cities, and through the Christian Union Day and Night initiative. The ministry is confident that this three-pronged approach will have extraordinary influence on our culture and society, transforming the landscape of the entire nation, for God’s glory.

Nearly 1,400 students from Brown, Columbia, Cornell, Dartmouth, Harvard, Harvard Law, Princeton, Stanford, University of Pennsylvania, and Yale are enrolled in one of more than 250 semester-long Christian Union faculty-led Bible courses.

Princeton Ministries Host Women’s Wellness Event

By Catherine Elvy, Staff Writer
God designed women to enjoy a profound sense of wholeness and peace as the fruit of yielding their hearts to a loving savior. 

That was one of the major themes from Ellen Dykas when the women’s ministry coordinator for Harvest USA appeared at Princeton University at the invitation of four campus ministries. 

Addenbrooke ’17 Has Burden for the Lost, for Yale

by Tom Campisi, Managing Editor 
As the editor-in-chief of the Yale Daily News, Stephanie Addenbrooke often worked until 4 a.m. to oversee the production of the next edition of the newspaper. It was an exhausting, trying time for Addenbrooke, who had to attend classes later in the day and balance other responsibilities while assuming the helm of “The Oldest College Daily” in the United States.

On campus, things were tumultuous. She noted how headlines often focused on “racism, sexual assault, crime, discrimination, depression, injustice, and overwhelming dissatisfaction.” 

Ministry Director Thankful His Family Stepped out in Faith

by Jim Black
Hey Jim, hope all is well with you. Just thought I’d reach out to let you know how grateful I am for the guidance you gave me throughout undergrad. I’ve been meeting with a guy here at graduate school every so often… and it’s been good. But it reminded me of how huge it was to have that from you (and your family) during a pivotal four years of my personal growth. Love you all — Josh

A dear friend and former student sent me that text this morning and it caused me to reflect on God’s kindness and faithfulness to me over the last six years of surprising service in Christian Union. You see, in the summer of 2011, my family and I made a remarkable transition. I had been joyfully serving as the senior pastor of a church in the Houston, Texas area for a number of years. I loved being a pastor and felt very content in my calling.  

Christian Union Alumni Look Back 

Christian Union was founded in 2002 in Princeton, New Jersey. Over the next 15 years, Christian Union, by God's grace, has launched leadership development ministries at some of the nation's most influential universities. Here are reflections from four alumni.

Greetings from Princeton!

My name is James Fields and it is with great joy and humility that I bring you greetings as Christian Union’s Interim Ministry Director at Princeton University. If my name sounds familiar, it is because I have been working as a ministry fellow at Princeton University for the past four years. I am thankful for the opportunity to serve the Princeton community, at-large, and the students & staff at Princeton, specifically, by assuming this new role.  

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