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CU Day & Night

"Draw near to God and he will draw near to you..." - James 4:8a

Christian Union Day and Night promotes spiritual strengthening in Christians across America. Through prayer, humility in fasting, repentance, evangelism and dedication to His ways as revealed in His word, Christians around our country are asking God to have mercy and bring about the greatest revival the nation has ever seen.

Past Events

Monday January 4 - Sunday January 24, 2021
We completed 21 Days of Prayer and Fasting for 2021 from January 4 - 24, 2021. Our theme for this fast was "Seek God for Peace and Purpose in 2021." Each participant fasted during the 21 days as led by the Lord. CU Day and Night emailed a daily written devotional giving motivation and guidance to seek God for personal peace and outward purpose. Every devotional was also published on https://www.dayandnight.org/, and shared on CU Day and Night’s social media channels.

Theme Verse
John 20:21, Jesus said to them again,“Peace be with you. As the Father has sent me, even so I am sending you.”

Prayer Emphasis
• Inward Peace – To bring change to our nation, we first need peace within ourselves. During these 21 days, we will seek “things above” (Colossians 3:1-3), diminish worldly distractions, and remove anything from our lives that grieve the Holy Spirit (Ephesians 4:25-32). Fasting will humble us and lead us to repent with contrition and find God in wonderful new ways.
• Outward Purpose – Our nation needs God, and the Lord has sent us to witness for Him in America. We will pray fervently for our country and for our own courage to serve God’s redemptive plan. He has a specific role for each of us to play and we will inquire what He is saying to us personally for the year ahead.

Thanks for joining us and we pray you were blessed by this time of fasting!

Wednesday, March 18th - Sunday, April 26th, 2020
Christian Union Day and Night led a 40-day initiative of prayer, fasting and repentance to meet the threat of the Coronavirus. To read up to date communication regarding Christian Union's response to the Coronavirus, click here.

In times of crises, God desires that His people examine themselves and repent of everything displeasing to Him. We are to repent on behalf of ourselves and American Christianity which is largely self-indulgent and does not seek the Lord in holiness or wholehearted devotion. First-century Christians prayed and read the Scriptures every morning and evening, and fasted twice a week. Meanwhile, American Christians spend little energy seeking God and the church is therefore largely powerless. Most Christians don’t give at least ten percent of their income even though we are the richest country in the history of the world, and we pollute ourselves through movies and our own engagement with sexual immorality.

We abstained from food in various forms, praying and repenting of sin, starting Wednesday, March 18th through Sunday, April 26th 2020.

Each morning of the fast, participants received a special emailed devotion to keep you motivated to pray and fast as we face the trial of COVID-19. Perhaps this is a time when God desires to bring national revival as the attention of millions is disrupted from normal daily activities.

Visit www.dayandnight.org for more information.

Monday, January 20 - Wednesday, January 29, 2020

Christians joined across America in a ten-day fast (fasting from food). Participants followed the example of men and women of Scripture who humbled themselves and sought the Lord through fasting. Our country needs the spiritual renewal that only God can bring. May He hear our cry and answer!

Starting on Monday, January 20, 2020, participants sought God through the biblical practice of fasting. Some chose to fast from all foods for the entire ten days—drinking only liquids—while some decided to fast one or two meals each day. For some, health limitations will require a different type of fast (see fasting resources). 

Participants received a special devotional by email each morning of the fast offering encouragement as participants devoted themselves to the Lord in humility through fasting. Our theme for this fast was “Undefiled,” and the ten daily devotions drew from the example of Daniel, a man of God who refused to conform to the ungodly culture in which he lived.

May God draw near and bring spiritual renewal to us and to our nation as we seek Him through prayer and fasting!

Visit www.dayandnight.org for more information.


November 1 - 10, 2019
We united as the Body of Christ to make a difference in the spiritual landscape of our nation through The Great Experiment. 

Monday, August 12 - Sunday, September 1, 2019

Christians across America joined us in a 21-day fast (fasting from food). Participants followed the example of men and women of Scripture who humbled themselves and sought the Lord through fasting. Our country needs the spiritual renewal that only God can bring. May He hear our cry and answer!

2019 Trip to Fiji 
What a joy it is to see whole villages truly living for the things of God, walking in His ways, and giving glory to Him for all His good gifts. I had the pleasure of touring a number of villages in Fiji Islands which have been experiencing revival, following a process of communal repentance. The blessings God is pouring out upon these spiritually reborn communities almost have to be seen to be believed, including remarkable healing of the land and nearby sea. I share some details about what is happening there in this short video (4 minutes,12 seconds): 

For a fuller picture, see this documentary made 15 years ago (1 hour,14 minutes):

Revival is something we desperately need in America. It is evident that our best efforts as Christians are only slowing the massive secularization of our society, not turning it back. By the power of the Holy Spirit, we need God to transform our entire culture!

After returning, we concluded our Great Experiment - ten days of seeking the Lord in an extraordinary way, together with a few thousand Christians from around the country. Participants shared that they were spiritually refreshed through the morning and evening video devotionals we sent out. One woman wrote:

"For my faith challenge, I wrote down every trial I have been through, and then wrote down how the Lord provided and how His name was glorified during these times. I am sharing at least one story of the Lord's work and provision in my life through my times of weakness or what felt like failure with at least one person a day. I was also personally encouraged to realize each trial yielded fruit in my life and truly brought glory to the Lord in the events surrounding each trial.

After listening to Matt Bennett's explanation of the process proceeding revival in Fiji in the Great Experiment video, I immediately began a fast and my husband joined me. We spent hours in prayer and the following day we both felt led to write the biggest check we have ever written to our local church. Ironically, we are facing the hardest financial time we have ever experienced. With joyful hearts, we delivered the check that day and the joy was so intense, we couldn't stop smiling.”

At Day and Night, we're excited to continue offering nationwide fasts, and I sincerely hope you'll join us. If you're new to the spiritual discipline of fasting, I invite you to dive in to our collection of fasting resources.

All glory and honor to God!

Learn more at www.dayandnight.org!

"Over the last three centuries, revivals have had a great impact. Between 1730 and 1830 successive movements of the Holy Spirit brought a large proportion of the population into the churches. These awakenings are not ultimately the result of marketing or organization. They come, by God’s grace and in his time, in response to extraordinary prayer. Christian Union Day and Night is making a serious attempt to spark this kind of prayer and devotion. I welcome it, and I’m very encouraged by it."
-Tim Keller, Redeemer Presbyterian Church, New York City
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