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The most recent articles, videos, blog entries, and more that have been added to ChristianUnion.org.

Lessons from History

Tim Keller has written that "over the last three centuries, revivals have had a great impact. Between 1730 and 1830 successive movements of the Holy Spirit brought a large proportion of the population into the churches. These awakenings are not ultimately the result of marketing or organization. They come, by God’s grace and in his time, in response to extraordinary prayer."

Christian Union, in addition to its work at nine strategic universities, in New York, and in Washington, DC,  encourages believers to pursue extraordinary prayer, asking God to once again pour out His Spirit powerfully and to bring sweeping spiritual change to America. We do this through the ministry of Christian Union Day and Night (DayAndNight.org). We will also be publishing videos from time to time to encourage and inspire believers. We will highlight several talks by Dr. J. Edwin Orr over the coming months, to help remind the church about ways God has moved powerfully in the past.

Dr. Orr earned a PhD at Oxford University in 1948, authored numerous books, and wrote and spoke often on ways God has moved in history to bring about revivals and awakenings in different parts of the world. "Dr. J. Edwin Orr, in my opinion, is one of the greatest authorities on the history of religious revivals in the Protestant world," Billy Graham wrote, in an introduction to one of Dr. Orr's books. 

The video above is a talk Dr. Orr gave on the First Great Awakening.

Click the image above to view Christian Union's 2012 Annual Report. If you do not see an image, download a .pdf version of the 2012 annual report.

Click the image above to view Christian Union's 2011 Annual Report. If you do not see an image, download a .pdf version of the 2011 annual report.

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If  you are simply looking to make a one-time gift to Christian Union by mail (instead of credit card, above) please make it out to Christian Union and send it to 19 Vandeventer AVenue, Princeton, NJ 08542. 


Christian Union is recognized by the IRS as a 501(c)(3) charitable organization. All donations are tax-deductible as to the extent allowed by applicable law. To learn more about the benefits, and rights and responsibilities, of Cornerstone Partners, please go to www.ChristianUnion.org/cp-benefitsandrights.

ecfa memberThe ministry is a member of the Evangelical Council on Financial Accountability (ECFA) and has its finances audited annually. Charges to credit cards appear as “Christian Union 6098740040.”

If you have questions, please contact a partner representative at (609) 874-0040, or email us at giving@ChristianUnion.org.

Donate to Christian UnionEvery day, millions of young women and men enter America’s universities searching for truth and knowledge. These students want to find meaning, not just for their lives, but for the world around them.

That’s why Christians started many of America’s finest universities more than a century ago. Did you know that Harvard, Yale, and Princeton—along with other influential schools in America—were created to be places where a student could discover a love for God and for his neighbor?

These schools were founded to develop and train Christian leaders, equipping them to help change the world for God’s glory.

Unfortunately, the Gospel that enables such radical transformation has long since been replaced with destructive ideologies that leave many students hopeless and helpless to confront the challenges facing our nation. As you know, these institutions, and the ideologies they promote, will shape American culture for decades to come.

We know that this concerns you.

Alumni of these schools play an enormously important role in our society, and now lead many of America’s most powerful companies, media organizations, academic institutions, and political campaigns. In fact, a Christian Union study of influential leaders in America showed that 67% are alumni of just 20 schools.

If we are going to bring change America, we need, by God's grace, to see these schools radically transformed. That’s why the Lord gave people like you a vision for dramatic spiritual revival at these very places. As a result, in 2002 Christian Union was launched at Princeton.

The goal? To bring sweeping spiritual transformation to the nation’s most influential universities and key cities that shape American culture.

Here’s the best part. This vision is becoming a reality. Since 2002, the ministry has expanded to Brown, Columbia, Cornell, Dartmouth, Harvard, Harvard Law, Penn, Stanford, and Yale. It is also working with Christian professionals in New York City.

Right now, Christians like you are engaging thousands of students in our most influential—and secular—universities with the Gospel of Jesus Christ and the hope it brings. You can help make this happen.

Your donation today:

  • Provides intellectually rigorous Bible courses that introduce students to the love of Jesus and strengthens their faith.
  • Enables a network of mentors on every campus that walk alongside students through the difficult days of their college experience, discipling them and encouraging them to excel academically, relationally, and spiritually.
  • Empowers emerging Christian leaders to transform business, the media, and our culture with the timeless truth of Christ.

You can help make America a nation in which the Gospel has penetrated every people group and where Christians, filled with the Holy Spirit, are seeking God as the defining characteristic of their lives.

By giving, you will become a Cornerstone Partner, and you will receive special Cornerstone Partner communications and occasional invitations to special events for Partners, free of charge.

Use the secure form below to make your gift and to help strategic universities and cities—and through them, America—return to God.

ecfa member

Christian Union is recognized by the IRS as a 501(c)(3) charitable organization. All donations are tax-deductible as to the extent allowed by applicable law. To learn more about the benefits, and rights and responsibilities, of Cornerstone Partners, please go to www.ChristianUnion.org/cp-benefitsandrights.

Click the image above to view Christian Union's 2010 Annual Report. If you do not see an image, or do not Adobe Flash installed, download a .pdf version of the 2010 annual report.

Click the image above to view Christian Union's 2009 Annual Report. If you do not see an image, or do not Adobe Flash installed, download a .pdf version of the 2009 annual report.