Christian Union Alumni Look Back
Christian Union was founded in 2002 in Princeton, New Jersey. Over the next 15 years, Christian Union, by God's grace, has launched leadership development ministries at some of the nation's most influential universities. Here are reflections from four alumni.
A Strong Foundation
Nathan Nakatsuka, Harvard '12

By God’s grace, I met Nick Nowalk and Don Weiss, two ministry fellows who were starting Harvard College Faith and Action (HCFA), the leadership development ministry of Christian Union. Over the next few years, I wrestled through difficult issues and constantly bombarded them with theological and philosophical questions. They answered my questions patiently and intelligently and guided me in my walk with the Lord.
Christian Union provided me the spiritual resources and training I needed to gain a strong foundation in the faith and a deeply-Christian worldview. Now, I look at everything through the lens of Scripture. I have gone on to bring many others to the faith and to disciple others with the training I received through HCFA.
Looking back to nine years ago when I first arrived on Harvard’s campus as a freshman, it is absolutely unbelievable what God has done in my life through Christian Union.
The Seeking God Community
Through Christian Union, I learned that there is more to following Jesus than having regular quiet times and attending church services on Sundays. Our ministry fellows demonstrated what it was like to seek God with all their heart, soul, mind, and strength, and welcomed us to join them. Never have I been around a group of people so like-minded and persistent in their longing for God and His kingdom, so intent on experiencing the fullness of life with Jesus here and now, and so eager to share that Spirit-filled life with others. During that time, I also received a biblical framework for understanding my experiences within the history of God’s relationship with humanity. Having God’s revelation of Himself in Jesus as a foundation for life gives me strength to persevere in faith when life otherwise seems overwhelming and hopeless. Although my understanding of God has continued to grow and change since my time as a university student in Christian Union’s ministry, being part of a community of people that sought and found God during that time has set a trajectory for my relationship with God for which I am forever grateful.
Finding Christ at Columbia
LUKE FOSTER, Columbia '14
I came to Columbia six years ago with an acquaintance with the Christian faith, but was unable to believe. It was through Christian Union’s Bible Course that I discovered peer fellowship and friendship to combine with my intellectual pursuit of God, and I was able to commit myself to following Jesus. The Christian Union faculty represented an utterly different perspective than anything offered on campus, and they provided me with hope, as well as with teaching, prompting me to connect practical love of neighbor with the ideas I loved. I was inspired to lead the Veritas Forum, planning events to display the beauty of a Christian worldview, and to write for the Columbia Spectator to share the resources of the Christian tradition with the campus as a whole. Now, as I pursue my Catholic faith as a PhD student at the University of Chicago, I continue to build on the foundations that Christian Union gave me. “It was through Christian Union’s Bible Course that I discovered peer fellowship and friendship to combine with my intellectual pursuit of God, and I was able to commit myself to following Jesus.”
Leadership Development
I joined Christian Union as a freshman at Yale and wash2 /actively involved throughout my four years of college. Christian Union’s Yale Faith and Action (YFA) played a large part in my college experience and helped to instill spiritual habits/disciplines that I still apply today. For example, the Seeking God Lifestyle Bible course challenged me to pursue God more intentionally, particularly through prayer, fasting, and more consistently spending time in the Word. The wonderful ministry fellows also impacted my life through their insights during Bible courses, as well as offering wise Christian counsel on a range of topics. I appreciate Christian Union’s focus on developing Christian leaders and continue to benefit, personally and professionally, from the skills that I gained. Christian Union has also impacted my desire to integrate my faith into the work that I will do in the healthcare field. Finally, I am happy to add that I met my now-husband, Travis Reginal, through YFA, so Christian Union has certainly been a blessing personally. I am grateful for Christian Union’s presence at Yale, and I am excited for the impact that it will continue to have on the lives of future students!