Christian Union Celebrates Graduating Students at HLS
by tom campisi, managing editor
Students associated with Christian Union’s ministry at Harvard Law School expressed gratitude for Christ-exalting Bible courses and Christ-centered community at a dinner celebrating the graduation of third-year students (3Ls).
Michael Wilkinson, Christian Union’s ministry director at Harvard Law School, said the heart of the evening centered on thanksgiving to the Lord for His abundant grace and provision for the graduates during their time at Harvard Law School (HLS). Wilkinson, who took over as ministry director in the winter of 2017, has high expectations for the five graduating students and also for the ensuing years of ministry at HLS.
“As we were saying our goodbyes, one of our graduating 3Ls emphasized that we must persevere in this unique ministry, equipping students with a biblical worldview to go out and honor Christ as Lord by bending this country’s institutions toward righteousness,” said Wilkinson. “Moreover, just as importantly, the Christ-exalting Bible courses also created a Christ-centered community. A number of students shared how the friendships they formed during their time with Christian Union, even just this past year, helped them stay close to Christ in the face of enormous challenges. This intimacy with Christ allowed these students to thrive at Harvard Law School and to bless their families and their colleagues along the way.”
{tweetme}During the past academic year, Christian Union’s ministry at Harvard Law School engaged students and fostered community through mentoring, Bible courses, and Christian Union’s weekly lunch-time discussion groups.{/tweetme} In the fall, the HLS students studied Philippians; in the spring, they examined the “I am” statements of Jesus in John’s Gospel.
Wilkinson’s efforts were bolstered by his wife Darla, who volunteered to lead a women’s Bible course and mentor students. Kelsey Curtis, a recent HLS graduate, also provided timely leadership.

“Even during her very busy schedule at HLS, Kelsey faithfully served her local church in Cambridge through its small group and youth ministries. In our weekly Bible courses, she served the students with insightful questions and comments that applied the biblical worldview to all of life,” said Michael Wilkinson. “Kelsey often led the way in supporting other women who were wrestling with the challenges of remaining faithful to Christ in a secular culture.”
Wilkinson duly commended Josh Craddock for “Christ-centered, convictional leadership.” Craddock served as vice president of Personhood USA and debate chair of the Harvard Federalist Society. During the fall semester, he was editor-in-chief for the Harvard Journal of Law and Public Policy.
“Josh has brought his entire life—family, education, professional future—under the lordship of Christ. He doesn’t simply add faith to his endeavors; his faith shapes all that he does and how he does it,” Wilkinson said.
In addition to Curtis and Craddock, other HLS graduates active in Christian Union included Nicoleas Mayne, Lily Choi, and Felicia Chen.
Wilkinson, who earned a law degree from the University of Oklahoma, is confident that all five students will go on to accomplish great things in the near future.
“That sounds like an almost unbearable load. And it is. But I have seen each of these men and women strive in the strength that only God can provide to leverage every one of His good gifts for the sake of His kingdom.”
Wilkinson said this recent graduating class is emblematic of the ministry’s mission to develop Christian leaders to transform culture.
“I expect that this graduating class will submit their brilliant minds and passionate hearts to the Lord to extend His saving and common grace into the world.”“Some will work from within the most influential firms and non-profit organizations to bend the arc of the law toward righteousness in the personal lives of those they serve in love. Others will work from powerful positions in government to bend the arc of history toward the God-ordained gifts of life, liberty, and justice for all, including the least among us,” Wilkinson said. “All will carry the Gospel of Jesus Christ in the power of His Spirit into every relationship along the way.”
—Michael Wilkinson, Christian Union's ministry director at Harvard Law School