Qin '19 Inspired by Christian Union at Brown
by Eileen Scott, Senior WriterAs a writer for The Brown Daily Herald, Suvy Qin is a tenacious reporter who recently gave a voice to the voiceless. As a member of Christian Union's ministry at Brown, the sophomore continues to grow in faith and live as a Christian on campus.
Qin admits that Christianity and Brown's culture do not easily mesh. Coming to the university has challenged her to confront issues of social justice, including racial and economic inequality, and caused her to see how a biblical worldview can be contrary to modern culture's narratives. This has been particularly true when dealing with academic theory that presents Christianity as historically oppressive and contributing to societal ills like racism.
"That's not what our God stands for," said Qin.

"Whether it is with her friends, her school work, or writing for The Brown Daily Herald, it is evident that Suvy seeks to live honestly and faithfully, while being generous and gracious to those around her," said Copp. "She is committed to wrestling with how to integrate her faith and convictions into her work and relationships."
For example, in October, Qin, wrote a story about inequity in the medical school application process for pre-med students. Her exposé rattled the university as it pointed out deficiencies in the process. She received a lot of positive feedback from students who were afraid to speak up for fear of losing their vital letters of recommendation.
"I wanted to be a voice for those who couldn't speak for themselves," said Qin. "Being at The Herald has shown me that the newspaper is a platform. It's almost a form of activism, and this is how journalists can move action."
But for this Chinese American, who has lived the majority of her life in the southern United States, advocating for equality is a passion she hopes to pursue as a public policy major and as a Christian determined to engage the world with love.
Working in public health is a way of speaking for others, according to Qin.
"It's social justice-oriented. There are astonishing racial disparities in health care. Public health arms me with the right mindset for addressing them," she said.
Qin also participates in a mentoring program run by Brown, where she assists underclassmen with academics. The Christian leadership training she has received from Christian Union has helped her to express genuine care for those she mentors.
And prayer is what helps this busy junior balance life, faith, and advocacy.
"I pray a lot," said Qin, "I think that is something that has evolved as part of Christian Union."
Prior to joining the ministry, she said, prayer and communicating with God was more stilted and rules based.
"The beauty of Christian Union at Brown has been realizing that God is not just an authority figure, but a friend and father."
Now, Qin writes out her thoughts and prayers each day. And despite the challenges of being a Christian at Brown, the experience has been edifying.
"It has brought me closer to Christ" she said. "It has expanded my relationship to Him and brought out new depth."