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The most recent articles, videos, blog entries, and more that have been added to ChristianUnion.org.
Os Guinness on Covenantal Love, Unspeakable Evil, and Being American Now; Just Say No; The "Good" Life; On the Importance of Poetry; Infanticide Is The Historical Hallmark Of A Pagan Culture; Please Join Christian Union in the Adirondacks this Summer and more, in this issue of Christian Union's bi-monthly email brief.
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The Lord is good to those who wait for him,
to the soul who seeks him.
It is good that one should wait
quietly for the salvation of the Lord.
— Lamentations 3:25,26

He will explore Augustine and "Sanctified Ambition". 

Registation is live for the CU Cities Conference, taking place June 21-22, 2019. Register today at CU Cities Conference

The conference theme is "Courageous in the Ways of the Lord." New and seasoned professionals, and graduate students, are warmly welcome. Speakers are announced each week. Revealed speakers are...


It is difficult to say no. Particularly to yourself. Donna and Tom, two government employees on NBC's television show Parks and Rec have an annual "Treat Yo Self" day in which they allow themselves to be selfish. They pamper themselves, treat themselves to expensive and useless items, and do whatever makes them happy. What makes Tom and Donna's "Treat Yo Self" day so apropos is that these two, more than any other characters on the show, clearly treat themselves all the time.

It is the natural inclination of the human heart to be selfish.

A Special Invitation from Eric Metaxas; Emotions for the Christian Life; Should Religious Belief Inform Public Policy?; Don't Miss the Great Experiment this March; Move Over Sex and Drugs. Ease is the New Vice; Penn Parents Share and more, in this issue of Christian Union's bi-monthly email brief.
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Greater love has no one than this, that someone lay down his life for his friends.
— John 15:13

Brown Student Artists Explore Meaning Together

Sarah Camp
Director of Marketing and Communications

Students involved in Christian Union at Brown recently collaborated with several campus ministries to execute on an engaging, arts-based outreach concept.

brown arts1Brown senior Lydia Haile performs

The multi-faceted exhibit took place on February 6. Students secured a gallery in the student union and put out a request for submissions across Brown and RISD. The show would include painting, music, and poetry, and artist talks.

Join thousands in the Great Experiment, March 1-10. 

You are invited to take part in The Great Experiment, a ten-day commitment to seek God with thousands of other Christians across America.

great experiment sm
Learn more and sign up at CU Day & Night.

Geoff Sackett
Christian Union Ministry Director
Cornell University

Moments away from giving birth to our third child, my wife’s blood pressure dropped significantly. With two nurses, her doctor, and me by her side, her words to us in that moment were, “I feel like I am dying.” I feared the worst, but fortunately my fear was soon allayed. She was given medication, her blood pressure rebounded to a healthy range, and she, and our son, made it through safely. Speaking from my own point of view (the only point of view I can speak from), my wife’s desperate situation touched one of my concerns. It touched my concern for her. A particular emotion, specifically the emotion of fear, enabled me, we might say, to ‘perceive’ my wife’s distress.

What Emotions Are For

Freely borrowing from Christian philosopher Robert C. Roberts, we can say that an emotion is a ‘perception’ of a ‘touched’ concern (Roberts, 11).

2019 Christian Union Summer Getaway

Join Christian Union leaders, staff, alumni, friends, and ministry partners (and their families) for the third annual Christian Union Summer Getaway, July 13 - 20, 2019. Enjoy the beautiful CAMP-of-the-WOODS, in the Adirondack Mountains in Upstate New York, for a week of spiritual and physical refreshment. Registration is now open at www.CUSummerGetaway.org

Christian Union's friend Eric Metaxas will be there, and he invites you to join him!

Learn more about the getaway details:

Thankful for Son's Engagement with Christian Union

"My wife, Miryan, and I met at Penn (many more years ago than either of us would care to admit). Miryan found the Lord there. Our oldest, Matthew, is a sophomore transfer (from Rice) who just finished his first semester as a Politics, Philosophy, and Economics major at Penn’s School of Arts and Sciences.

penn love
When he left our home in Los Angeles last year and headed to school, one of our most fervent prayers for Matthew was that he might find a committed community of faith, willing and able to confirm, strengthen, and encourage him in his walk.


I pray that you are having a blessed start to the new year. Much of the month of January was spent diligently planning for the rest of the year and identifying new student leaders for next year. Columbia students recently returned from vacation after Martin Luther King Jr. weekend, and we are gearing up for another semester of fruitful ministry. Here are ways that you can be praying for us:

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