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Christian Union: The Magazine
November 19, 2015

After this I looked, and there before me was a great multitude that no one could count, from every nation, tribe, people and language, standing before the throne and before the Lamb. They were wearing white robes and were holding palm branches in their hands. And they cried out in a loud voice:

“Salvation belongs to our God,
who sits on the throne,
and to the Lamb."
— Revelation 7:9-10

What Happened to Harvard?

By Peter Greer and Chris Horst
From Q Ideas


"Harvard was founded to prepare ministers of upright character," Derek Bok, president at Harvard University (1971–1991), penned these words in his annual letter to the Harvard Board in 1987. Candidly, he examined the storied history of America’s most prestigious university...
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Sighted and Blind: The Hitchhiker's Guide to Humility

By Don Weiss
From YouTube

Though the previous article in this newsletter highlights Harvard's drift from its roots, Christian Union's ministries at Harvard College (Harvard College Faith & Action) and Harvard Law (Coram Deo) are working to make a difference. Here, Christian Union's director of undergraduate ministry at Harvard, Don Weiss, addresses humility at a recent Doxa, the minstry's weekly leadership lecture on campus...
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Enjoying God in Our Work

By John Piper
From Desiring God


In answer to a question about how we can enjoy God in our work, John Piper responds with four ideas...
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Maybe We're On the Right Side of History after All?

By John Stonestreet
From Breakpoint

Explicit material is everywhere, and there’s absolutely nothing we can do about it, right? Wrong...
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Uncivil Discourse

By Randall Smith
From The Public Discourse


“Civility” is not merely something one shows to one’s like-minded friends. Civility is most needed precisely when the differences are likely to be greatest...
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Prayer Requests

Please pray for students and the community at Yale in light of recent tumult regarding race and identity on campus. Pray for humility and healthy dialogue for all involved, and for opportunities for Christian students to reflect Christ and to lead others toward Him.

Praise God for students at Princeton, Penn, Dartmouth, and Cornell who have recently stepped up in their efforts to share the Gospel with their peers. Many more students are hearing the Good News and have been softened to the truths presented to them. Continue to pray for boldness among the students, and for the leaders to continue to live out their faith winsomely.

Praise God for His work through Christian Union's ministry faculty in the lives of student athletes at Columbia. Pray particularly for changed lives on the football and women's basketball team.