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Christian Union: The Magazine
January 13, 2016

How the Gospel Gives Us True Rest

By Kevin Antlitz
From YouTube

Kevin Antlitz

Princeton Ministry Fellow Kevin Antlitz continues the "Why Good News?" series by revealing that the gospel invites us to deny the dangers of worldly success by engaging in purposeful, constructive rest –– the Sabbath...
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A Tragic Case of Modern Bioethics: Denying Life-Sustaining Treatment to a Patient Who Wanted to Live

By Philip Hawley, Jr.
From Public Discourse

In deciding to withdraw life-sustaining treatment from an alert and cognizant patient who was pleading for his life, a Texas hospital’s ethics committee stole from him the two most fundamental rights enumerated in our Constitution: life and liberty...
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My Rape Convinced Me that Campus Hookup Culture is Really Messed Up

By Alice Owens
From Verily

Campus Hookup Culture

"Condoms didn't protect my heart," writer Alice Owens shares in this vulnerable, insightful first-person perspective on the destruction the hookup culture creates in students' lives...
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Three Ways Movies are Searching for the Gospel

By Gavin Ortlund
From The Gospel Coalition

I love movies. I always have, but for some reason I’ve grown more and more fascinated with movies in the last three or four years—the massive industry that stands behind them, the intricacies and subtleties that make for good acting and good narration, and most of all, the power of stories to communicate at such a deep, complex, emotional level. I loved the new Star Wars...
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C.S. Lewis and the Surprising Reason We Desire Fulfillment at Work

By Andrew Spencer
From The Institute for Faith, Work and Economics

C.S. Lewis

When Friday afternoon arrives, sometimes we feel the sense of elation that we will cast off the bonds of our vocational labors and embark on a journey of recreation and rest. Too soon it seems that Monday morning is looming, and we are back in the harness again for another week of toil. In the midst of this cycle, we feel a deep longing in our souls...
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Prayer Requests

Princeton students are in finals season for the fall semester. Pray for God's strength, knowledge, wisdom and perseverance for each one as they finish the semester.

Sophomore and Junior students involved in Bible courses led by Christian Union faculty will study Romans this semester. Pray for the Christian Union faculty as they prepare to teach God's Word. Pray for wisdom and knowledge from the Spirit in their planning, and that the Bible courses would bear much fruit in the lives of the students.

Dr. Robert Louis Wilken, Professor Emeritus of the University of Virginia and prolific author, will be the featured speaker at the January 2016 New York City Christian Union Forum on the 19th. Please pray that God will use Dr. Wilken to challenge, encourage, and minister to those who attend.