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Christian Union: The Magazine
January 28, 2016

Announcing the Beta-Release Launch of Christian Union Day and Night

By Christian Union
From cudayandnight.org

Christian Union Day and Night

Christian Union has launched a beta version of its new initiative, Christian Union Day and Night. Watch morning and evening three-minute video devotionals from respected Christian leaders — for free...
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Calling and Vocation, an Overview

By The Theology of Work Project
From theologyofwork.org

In the Bible, the concept of calling goes deeper than any one aspect of life, such as work. God calls people to become united with Himself in every aspect of life. This can only occur as a response to Christ’s call to follow Him. The calling to follow Christ lies at the root of every other calling. It is important, however, not to confuse a calling to follow Christ with...
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How to Build a Compelling Culture

An Interview with Dee Ann Turner
From PaulSohn.org


Dee Ann Turner, Vice President of Corporate Talent at Chick fil-A, shares insights on building corporate culture, gleaned from more than 30 years working for the company...
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The Cosmic Import of Marriage

By Markus Boesl
From The Augustine Collective

Markus Boesl was involved in Christian Union's ministry before graduating from Yale. He wrote this for the publication Yale Logos, and it also appeared in the Augustine Collective...
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The Cost of Freedom: How Disagreement Makes Us Civil

By Robert George, Cornel West, and Rick Warren
From Biola University

Robert George

Getting along through disagreement is never easy. Preserving the freedom to think and learn and grow comes with a cost. But what if the disagreement itself is valuable for us? What if the cost of freedom isn’t what we expect? And how can we all become the kinds of citizens who know how to disagree without it destroying us?...
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Prayer Requests

In the coming days, Christian Union will hold winter conferences for students involved in several of its university ministries. Please pray for God's Spirit to move among the students. Pray for a renewed hunger for the Lord and for students to be refreshed as they begin a new semester.

Several Christian Union faculty members have had remarkable opportunities to develop relationships with coaches of sports teams on the campuses where they minister. These relationships have begun to bear fruit as the coaches have invited them to minister to their student-athletes. From leading devotionals to praying with teams before games, to mentoring the young men and women, God continues to open doors among athletes. Please pray for these opportunities, that God (and His word) would change hearts and lives.

Christian Union recently announced Nexus: Professionals 2016, a conference for professionals to be held in New Haven, Connecticut on April 1-3, 2016. As word spreads about the conference, please pray for the planning and for those who would attend—that they would gain a greater vision for what it means to engage and transform culture.

Please pray that word of Christian Union's new initiative (see above) would spread virally so that many thousands (if not millions) might be blessed by the video devotionals.