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Christian Union: The Magazine
February 11, 2016

An Interview with Dr. Vincent Bacote

By Christian Union
From YouTube.com

Vincent Bacote

“Faith ought to impact every facet of our lives and society.” Dr. Vincent Bacote, Associate Professor of Theology and the Director of Center for Applied Christian Ethics at Wheaton College, observed in a forum hosted by a ministry of Christian Union at Princeton. Bacote explored key considerations for Christians engaging pressing issues, whether on campus or in society more broadly...
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Running the Marathon of Faith: Persevering to Life's End

By Thomas A. Tarrants, III
From C.S. Lewis Institute's Knowing & Doing

Following Jesus Christ is not a sprint but a marathon. We must persevere in trusting Christ and following Him until we cross the finish line on the day of our death. The sooner we recognize and embrace this fact of kingdom life, the safer and stronger we will be. As Jesus said to His first disciples, “The one who endures to the end will be saved” (Matt. 10:22)...
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The Liberal Arts Ideal and the Danger of “Group Think"

By Luke Ciancarelli
From Yale Daily News

Robert George

Robert P. George is McCormick Professor of Jurisprudence and Director of the James Madison Program in American Ideals and Institutions at Princeton University. He spoke at Yale on February 3, 2016, on academic freedom and liberal arts ideals. This is the account that ran in the Yale Daily News...
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Transgenderism Has No Basis in Science or Law

By Margaret A. Hagen
From ThePublicDiscourse.com

In recent months, there has been an explosion of highly controversial legislation, threatened executive edicts, and heavy-handed federal mandates regarding discrimination and public accommodation laws that require — among other things — public and private institutions, businesses, and schools to allow biological males who self-identify as females to use the toilet facilities and locker rooms of females (and vice versa). These developments have...
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Actively Receiving the Holy Spirit

By Justin Kendrick
From cudayandnight.org

CUDayandNight Video

Are you thirsty for God? Jesus says if you are, come to Him and drink. He says, "Whoever believes in me, as the Scripture has said, ‘Out of his heart will flow rivers of living water.'” Watch this entry from Christian Union's new Day and Night video devotional project...
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Prayer Requests

Columbia, Dartmouth, Penn, Princeton, and Yale students involved in Christian Union's ministries have all attended their respective schools' winter conferences. Praise the Lord for His presence that went before them, ministered to the students, and spoke through the speakers. God has been glorified through their times of seeking Him and growing in community.

Three Cornell students who are involved in the ministry of Christian Union have had articles published in the first edition of Cornell's new Christian journal called, "Claritas." Please pray for the impact this journal may have for Christ on campus.

Please pray for a continued and growing urgency to seek God, His Word, and the movement of His Spirit among students involved in Christian Union ministries. God has been at work, but please pray for that to continue—and expand.

Praise God for a great monthly forum hosted by New York City Christian Union in January. At the forum, Dr. Robert Wilkin spoke on spiritual freedom. Continue to pray for Christian Union's ministry in New York City, as it grows and many have the opportunity to develop in their relationship with God as they seek Him.

Christian Union has begun a twice-daily video devotional called Christian Union Day and Night (please see above). Praise the Lord for His movement across the nation and the world as many are encouraged to seek the Lord at set times each day, particularly morning and evening. Please pray for this new initiative, and that the Lord would be glorified and answer the prayers of many who seek Him diligently.