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Christian Union: The Magazine
“But they who wait for the LORD shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with...
April 7, 2016

Why Culture Matters

By Gabe Lyons
From Q Ideas

People of faith differ on how much concern we should pay to the culture at hand, questioning what good can we really do engaging in a broken world. Can we really make a significant difference? Does God share these concerns? Every generation must answer these questions in the same way creatives, artisans, industry and civic leaders have done for two millennia...

The Shame Culture

By David Brooks
From The New York Times

"In 1987, Allan Bloom wrote a book called “The Closing of the American Mind." The core argument was that American campuses were awash in moral relativism. Subjective personal values had replaced universal moral principles. Nothing was either right or wrong. Amid a wave of rampant nonjudgmentalism, life was flatter and emptier.

Bloom’s thesis was accurate at the time, but it’s not accurate anymore...


Brandon Sherrod: Yale's Basketball Record-Breaker... and a Capella Star

By Harry Floyd
From The Guardian

Basketball fans took notice when Yale won its first-ever NCAA tournament game, upsetting 5th seeded Baylor in March. One of the team's leaders and key players, Brandon Sherrod, is a student who has been very involved in Christian Union's ministry at Yale. Recently The Guardian ran a profile on this young Christian leader/basketball player/singer/aspiring politician...


Why Mere Christianity Won't Go Out of Style

By Dan DeWitt
From The Gospel Coalition

It’s the book that crushed a political hatchet man, led a world-renowned scientist to faith, and robbed a prideful entrepreneur of billions of dollars. The politician...


The Pain and Horror of Abortion Training

By Catherine Elvy
From Christian Union: The Magazine

For medical residents in obstetrics-gynecology, abortion training can prompt deep soul searching.

That scenario was well illustrated when a Brown University clinical instructor and pro-choice advocate recently penned a disturbing article for a leading medical journal...


Christian Union Day and Night

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Prayer Requests

University staff continue to be drawn to Christian Union ministries. Most recently, athletic coaches at three of the campuses where Christian Union operates approached Christian Union faculty to invite them to conduct team devotionals and to explore other forms of partnership. Pray for the student-athletes, the coaches, and for all who are under their leadership. Pray for these opportunities to make known and encourage the growth of the Gospel among students.

Please pray for the next New York City Christian Union Gospel of the Kingdom conference that will take place over three evenings, May 24, 25, and 26. The conference will explore how the Gospel of Jesus Christ changes our mindset, ethics, lifestyle and authority, with a special emphasis on the power that flows for today's Christian as a fruit of the Gospel. Pray for attendees to be edified and empowered to serve the Kingdom more fully. For more information, click here.

Please pray for many who have been and continue to be encouraged to seek the Lord through Christian Union Day and Night video devotionals. Pray for God's wisdom and peace to be granted to those who seek Him morning and evening. Pray for many more to seek the Lord in this way.