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Christian Union: The Magazine
April 20, 2016

The biweekly eNewsletter from Christian Union

You Are What You Love: The Spiritual Power of Habit

By Dr. James K.A. Smith
From Christian Union

Dr. James K.A. Smith, Professor of Philosophy at Calvin College, was a plenary speaker at Nexus 2016, the Christian Union Conference on Faith and Action. He addressed the human tendency to be shaped by what we love and long for even more than just what we believe or think...


Experts Share Views on the Role of Religious Liberty in Modern American Life

By Raishay Lin
From Harvard Law Today

On March 9, as part of the Herbert W. Vaughan lecture series at Harvard Law School, a panel of experts discussed the role of religious liberty in modern American life. Professor Mary Ann Glendon moderated the event, which featured Yuval Levin, the founding editor of policy journal National Affairs, James Stoner, a political science professor at Louisiana State University, and Robert George ’81, who teaches politics and jurisprudence at Princeton University and is a visiting professor at HLS this spring...


I Was a Closeted Christian at the Pentagon

By Matthew Spence
From Washington Post

Matthew Spence, former deputy assistant secretary of defense for Middle East policy, and senior fellow at Yale University's Jackson Institute for Global Affairs, recently wrote this piece for the Washington Post, on wrestling with how his faith should inform his work while at the Pentagon...


Personal Love and the Call to Chastity

By Samantha Schroeder
From Public Discourse

Millennials are bombarded with the message that casual sex brings fulfillment while chastity is shameful, but a closer look reveals the profound loneliness and psychological pain motivating sexual libertinism’s most outspoken advocates. Millennials would choose differently if they realized the positive benefits of chastity...


The Faith of Christopher Hitchens

By Brian Mattson
From The Gospel Coalition

The Gospel Coalition published a great review of a fascinating new book, The Faith of Christopher Hitchens: The Restless Soul of the World’s Most Notorious Atheist, by Larry Taunton...


Christian Union Day and Night

The beta phase of Christian Union Day & Night has ended. We will be making tweaks based on feedback from viewers, subscribers, and site visitors and are excited to announce that we'll relaunch the service in the late summer/early fall.


Prayer Requests

Please pray for students and Christian Union ministry faculty as the year winds down. Pray that Christian Union's ministries would finish the year well, with students and ministry faculty drawing close to the Lord in the midst of some weariness and busyness that is typical at this time of the year. Pray that the graduating seniors would seek God earnestly about their futures, and for God to grant wisdom as they pray and consider next steps.

Please pray for graduating seniors as they transition from college to the marketplace: that their zeal for the Lord will remain constant, that they will develop a new spiritual community where they find work, and that they will understand how their faith gives meaning and context to everything — especially work. Please also pray for our efforts to connect with graduates moving to New York, and to connect those going elsewhere with Christians and churches in their cities.

Please pray that God would continue to provide wisdom and insight now that the beta phase has ended. Pray for the relaunch later this year, that God would guide the planning and next steps.