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Christian Union: The Magazine
May 4, 2016

The biweekly eNewsletter from Christian Union

On Your Mark

By Jim Black
From ChristianUnion.org

Christian Union's ministry director at Columbia University, Jim Black, was a plenary speaker at Nexus 2016: the Christian Union Conference on Faith and Action. He gave this challenging message on Hebrews 12:1-2...

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The Real War on Women: Female Leaders' Insight into the Pro-Life Movement

By ERLC Staff
From The Ethics and Religious Liberty Commission

An interview with four prominent leaders in the pro-life movement: Jeanne Mancini, the president of the March for Life Education and Defense Fund; Kelly Rosati, the vice president of Community Outreach at Focus on the Family; Cindy Hopkins, the vice president of Center Services & Client Care at Care Net; and Charmaine Yoest, the resident & CEO of Americans United for Life (AUL)...

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A Culture of Sensitivity

By Rachel E. Huebner
From The Harvard Crimson

A Harvard student's take on the on-campus environment:

I used to believe that open discourse was a value all Americans hold dear. I presumed that when asked about what makes America so unique, many Americans would respond that our pluralistic society is the foundation of so much of our success. That it was understood that without a marketplace of ideas, our society simply could not flourish. But then I started college...

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Evangelism is Not Enough to Change the World

By Hugh Whelchel
From The Institute for Faith, Work, and Economics

Shaping, changing, and directing culture results from the work of our hands. It is not what we believe but what we do as a result that transforms our institutions, communities, and families...

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What Have Christians Ever Done for Us?

By David Robertson
From Christianity Today

If the Church is supposed to be the ultimate apologetic for Christ ("all men will know that you are my disciples, if you have love for one another"), it seems as though the case for Christ is very weak! The general attitude is perhaps summed up best by the famous quote attributed to Mahatma Ghandi: "I like your Christ, I do not like...

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Christian Union Summer Getaway

Looking for a week of spiritual encouragement in a gorgeous setting this summer? Consider a week at Camp of the Woods, in the spectacular Adirondack Mountains of Upstate New York. During the week of June 25 - July 2, a number of Christian Union's leaders will be at the Camp, taking part in its normal activities and enjoying the speakers and worship — and we invite all friends of the ministry to join in! Whether you come on your own or with your family, camp of the Woods is a perfect summer escape for fun and spiritual nourishment.

Learn more at www.CUSummerGetaway.org >


Prayer Requests

Please pray for wisdom as the student leadership teams wind down the school year and also pray and plan for next year. Ask the Lord to give them energy, wisdom, and discernment even in the midst of their busy final weeks.

Pray for the Gospel of the Kingdom Conference, May 24-26, 2016, in New York City. Pray for all who attend, for those who will minister, and for lives to be changed. If you are in the Northeast, or interested in learning more, click here >

Please pray that God would continue to provide wisdom and insight now that the beta phase has ended. Pray for the relaunch later this year, that God would guide the planning and next steps.