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May 17, 2016
cu-today-prayer-retreatSeeking the face of God is the process of drawing close to God, and therefore attracting His presence to your life and community. It is hard work to seek God's face, which takes time and effort like anything else worthy of pursuit in this life.

One of the best ways we can better live out a Christian life is to practice frequent and fervent prayer. But what does this look like? In a post from Christianity Today’s Leadership Journal, Christian leaders Kevin and Karen Miller offer questions and advice to help any individual better strengthen their prayer life by taking a prayer retreat.

It is important to note that the idea of extended time alone to talk to God is not a new, strange concept. It is a practice encouraged by the Bible to be a foundation part of our lives. Here are a few of the key points as published via Christianity Today’s Leadership Journal:

Why would I take a prayer retreat?

Seeking God's face: You want time alone with God to get to know Him better (1 Chronicles 16:10-11).

Asking for understanding and guidance: You have a big decision, and you need God's wisdom and counsel (Psalm 73:24).

Bringing prayer burdens: Your heart is heavy, and you want to cry out to the Lord for help (Psalm 40:13).

What would I do on a prayer retreat?

Pray: praise God, confess sins, lament, thank God for small and specific blessings in your life.

Listen: to praise songs, to nature, to the quiet.

Read: the Bible, [and] any other book that feeds your soul.

Where would I go?

Some place with quiet, beauty, and some privacy. […] It should be a place that makes you feel alive, and that allows you to unplug from daily demands.

What should I expect to happen?

Lay down any expectation that you have “a really spiritual day"… You can tell the Lord what you need from Him, but go in with the primary goal to be close to Him. Don't expect dramatic, visible “results." Usually, prayer retreats have a quiet influence that may be more noticeable in days to come.

If you go in open, listening, and desiring God, you will be met by God.

The truth is, we need so much more of God’s presence in our lives we are used to pursuing; frequent, fervent prayer, and extended time spent drawing near to God in prayer has become less common in the West. For many of us, a prayer retreat is just what we need to refocus our lives, and enable ourselves to better, actively seek God.