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Christian Union: The Magazine
May 18, 2016

The biweekly eNewsletter from Christian Union

Bono & Eugene Peterson on Honesty & the Psalms

By Bono & Eugene Peterson
From Fuller Studio

U2's lead singer, Bono, recently sat down with pastor, scholar, and author Eugene Peterson, at Peterson's home, to discuss the Psalms. Though the two men are from very different worlds, they were drawn together by their love for the Psalms — and by their brotherhood in Christ...

Watch Their Conversation Here >


An Overview of the Whole Bible

By D.A. Carson
From DesiringGod.org

Dr. D.A. Carson is the co-founder and president of The Gospel Coalition. DesiringGod.org, John Piper’s web site, interviews Dr. Carson in a new series on prominent themes in the Bible, from Genesis to Revelation. In this episode, Dr. Carson presents a historical overview of the Bible — the whole Bible — in one article (and audio file)...

Read or Listen Here >


Faith and Vocation

By Eileen Scott
From ChristianUnion.org

Nexus: The Christian Union Conference on Faith and Action, explored the convergence of culture, career, and Christianity for professionals and for several hundred students from some of America's most influential universities...

Learn More >


Tocqueville on Christianity and American Democracy

By Dr. Carson Holloway
From Heritage.org

In recent years, Americans have lost sight of religion’s positive contribution to creating and sustaining our democracy. We have not forgotten religion’s relevance to our political life; we are continually reminded of that by our ongoing debates about the proper scope of religious freedom. These debates, however, treat religion more as a private preference than a public good...

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A Confession of Liberal Intolerance

By Nicholas Kristof
From The New York Times

A recent op-ed in The New York Times, by Nicholas Kristof, a must-read about bias in academia, starts this way: We progressives believe in diversity, and we want women, blacks, Latinos, gays and Muslims at the table — er, so long as they aren’t conservatives...

Read More >


Christian Union Summer Getaway

Looking for a week of spiritual encouragement in a gorgeous setting this summer? Consider a week at Camp of the Woods, in the spectacular Adirondack Mountains of Upstate New York. During the week of June 25 — July 2, a number of Christian Union's leaders will be at the camp, taking part in its normal activities and enjoying the speakers and worship — and we invite all friends of the ministry to join us! Whether you come on your own or with your family, Camp of the Woods is a perfect summer escape for fun and spiritual nourishment.

Learn more at www.CUSummerGetaway.org >


Prayer Requests

Please continue to pray for the student leaders at the universities where Christian Union works as they wind down the school year and plan for next year. Pray that they would walk closely with the Lord even amidst the stress and busyness of the final weeks of school.

Pray for next week's Gospel of the Kingdom Conference, to be held May 24-26, 2016, in New York City. Pray for people to attend, for those who will minister, and for lives to be changed. If you are in the Northeast, or interested in learning more, click here >

Please pray that God would continue to provide wisdom and insight now that the beta phase has ended. Pray for the relaunch later this year, that God would guide the planning and next steps.