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Christian Union: The Magazine
October 6, 2016

The biweekly eNewsletter from Christian Union

But when the kindness of God our Savior and His love for mankind appeared, He saved us, not on the basis of deeds which we have done in righteousness, but according to His mercy, by the washing of regeneration and renewing by the Holy Spirit, whom He poured upon us richly through Jesus Christ our Savior, that being justified by His grace we might be made heirs according to the hope of eternal life.
— Titus 3:4-7


Questioning Evangelism

By Randy Newman
From Gospel Coalition

Randy Newman is a teacher and writer with Connection Points, a ministry that seeks to engage people’s hearts the way Jesus did. He is also the senior teaching fellow for apologetics and evangelism at The C. S. Lewis Institute and an adjunct faculty member at Trinity Evangelical Divinity School and Patrick Henry College. He is the author of several books, including Questioning Evangelism and Engaging with Jewish People. In this podcast, published by the Gospel Coalition, Randy helps believers understand the important role of questions in the practice of evangelism...

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Shining a Light on Depression

By Eileen Scott
From Christian Union

Depression is an unwanted intruder in the lives of millions of Americans, including students at top universities. A lecture sponsored by Christian Union at Dartmouth created greater awareness and understanding of depression and empowered students to better care for one another. At the lecture, one student came to a startling realization...

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The Road to Character

By David Brooks
From Council for Christian Colleges and Universities

“Life doesn’t come from how well you keep your options open but how well you close them off...” Even highly accomplished students, such as those he teaches at Yale, need help to find meaning in life, observes New York Times columnist David Brooks. Outside of Christian colleges, higher education today lacks the necessary vocabulary and ideology to give lessons in the art of making meaningful commitments. "A lot of the schools I go to do a great job at many other things, but integrating the faith, the spirit, the heart and the soul with the mind is not one of them..."

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On Chastity, Sexual Integrity and How Celibacy Can Fulfill Your Sexuality

By Sam Allberry / Kate Bryan
From Gospel Coalition and Washington Post

Two recent articles tackle the topic of sexual integrity from different angles. The first is an article from Sam Allberry on "How Celibacy Can Fulfill Your Sexuality." The second, from the Washington Post, is written by a woman who has embraced a lifestyle marked by sexual integrity.


Religious Liberty and Justice for All?

By Catherine Elvy
From Christian Union

A student at Harvard Law School, who is also involved with Christian Union's ministry, penned an article for the renowned Harvard Law Reviewaddressing religious liberty issues in Wheaton College v. Burwell. Scrutinizing, in particular, the Seventh Circuit's rationale for ruling against the college, Trenton Van Oss challenged the propriety of judicial intrusion into matters of "creed and conscience..."

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Prayer Requests

As Christian Union's university ministries begin to settle into the rhythm of their respective semesters, please pray for the students in Bible courses — especially freshmen, many of whom will feel the stress of adapting to the demands at these academically rigorous schools — that God would use Christian Union's ministry faculty to minister powerfully in their lives.

Please pray for those involved in new Community Groups — groups that draw young professionals into spiritual community, the study of the Word and stepping into service in the city — as these groups are forming and beginning to meet regularly. Also, please continue to pray for a growing number of alumni from our campus ministries living and working in the Washington, DC, area — that we may be able to resource them as well for spiritual community and mentoring possibilities.

Please pray for Christian Union as it talks to candidates for two important leadership roles within the ministry. Pray that God would raise up the right people for the jobs, and for wisdom to discern who those people might be.