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Christian Union: The Magazine
November 2, 2016

The biweekly eNewsletter from Christian Union

The king’s heart is a stream of water in the hand of the LORD; he turns it wherever he will.
— Proverbs 21:1

Civility in the Public Square

By Redeemer Center for Faith & Work
From Redeemer Center for Faith & Work

Christian faith demands a high view of human beings. If Christians are indeed called to compassionately steward our respective polities, then we are also called to a kind of civic engagement that wisely assesses our state of affairs with the type of nuance that transcends a liberal/conservative divide. Nicholas Kristof (Pulitzer Prize winning New York Times columnist), John Inazu (author of Confident Pluralism), and best-selling author and pastor Tim Keller discuss rediscovering civility and dignity in the public square...

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541 Freshmen in Christian Union Bible Courses

By Sarah Camp
From Christian Union

The first few weeks of freshman year are a pivotal time. Students are open to new activities and forming social groups that often set them up for their collegiate years. At the start of each school year, Christian Union’s ministry faculty and upperclassmen involved in the ministry present the opportunity for new students to join them for in-depth study of Scripture, Christian leadership training, fellowship, and support...

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How My Millennial Students Found Their 'Hitchhiker's Guide' to a Secular Age

By James K.A. Smith
From The Huffington Post

Author and professor of philosophy James K.A. Smith writes about helping students wrestle with philosopher Charles Taylor's A Secular Age. Smith suggests that many of us are "like this band of seekers: We see the ruins, we know the world has changed, we know there’s no going back. But we also can’t shake a hunger, a longing, a haunting that we welcome"...

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Perspective on the Election

By Trevin Wax
From The Gospel Coalition

Trevin Wax, writing on the Gospel Coalition site, reminds believers of three truths about Christians and politics that are true today and will still be true after next week’s election—truths you should remember no matter what you do in the voting booth...

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The Priesthood of All Believers

By Timothy George
From First Things

Timothy George, founding dean of Beeson Divinity School of Samford University, writes the “priesthood of all believers is a call to ministry and service; it is a barometer of the quality of the life of God’s people in the body of Christ and of the coherence of our witness in the world, the world for which Christ died” in an article for First Things...

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Prayer Requests

Please pray especially for the non-Christian students who are involved in Christian Union Bible courses. While a majority of the 1,500 students involved in Bible courses at the universities where Christian Union works are Christians, there are curious non-Christians — willing to study the Bible — in many courses. Please pray that God would make Himself real to them, that they would come to understand the Gospel, and that they would come to saving faith in Christ.

As the ministry continues to build networks of faithful professionals in key industries, please pray for these men and women to have the discernment to identify opportunities they can step into in redemptive ways. Additionally, please pray for their personal pursuit of holiness and faithfulness. New York can be a distracting place.