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Christian Union: The Magazine
November 17, 2016

The biweekly eNewsletter from Christian Union

For the Lord, the Most High, is to be feared, a great king over all the earth.
— Psalm 47:2

Simply Good News

By N.T. Wright
From Talks at Google


Google explains their "Talks at Google" series as "the world's most influential thinkers, creators, makers and doers all in one place." In this lecture, N. T. Wright, the former Bishop of Durham in the Church of England and one of the world's leading Bible scholars, was invited to address the question of whether religious texts, written centuries ago are still relevant — even for those who are on the cutting edge of technology.

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The Morning After

By Charles Drew 
From Center for Christian Civics

Some of us are jubilant about the results of November 8. Some of us are despondent. Both reactions need to be tempered. Jubilation needs to be tempered by humility. Despondency needs to be tempered by hope. In both cases King Jesus must do the tempering.

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Double Duty

By Eileen Scott, Senior Writer 
From Christian Union


Rob Hendricks, a member of Christian Union's ministry at Cornell, has become the first undergraduate ever to be accepted to the Cornell Law School. He is simultaneously a senior at Cornell and a first-year law student.

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A Grieving Pastor's Thoughts on Grieving

By Erik Schmidt 
From The Federalist

Grief makes no sense. I mean, of course grief makes sense, in that something so precious, so beautiful, something we just took for granted that would always be there, was ripped away from us. We are not meant to be torn apart by sin, death, and the devil, but we are. We are not whole, so we grieve when we suffer genuine loss...

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4 Cultural Trends Leading to the Decline of Religious Liberty

By Trevin Wax  
From The Gospel Coalition


Religious liberty, America's "first freedom," has fallen on hard times lately. A few years ago, a survey showed that nearly 40 percent of Americans believed the First Amendment's protections "go too far." That number has decreased in later surveys (thankfully), but it's still a troubling sign...

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Prayer Requests

Christian Union is interviewing and considering candidates for several key positions, including the vice president of university ministries, and ministry faculty roles at Yale, Dartmouth and Harvard Law. Please pray for the Lord's guidance and wisdom — that each person hired would be a perfect fit.

There are many ways in which we sharpen each other in the body of Christ, and the role of older men and women modeling faithfulness and counseling younger ones is one highlighted both in Scripture and history. Please pray for those in our New York mentoring program, both those serving as mentors and those being mentored. Pray for wisdom, discernment and courage to speak, hear and apply truth and godly counsel.