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Christian Union: The Magazine
August 1, 2017

Christian Union Gloria Law Graduating Class Gift 2020

Christian Union at Harvard Law LogoThank you for your participation in the Senior Class Gift. We hope you'll consider giving at a level that meaningfully represents all that has been poured into you during your time in Cambridge. Your gift will be an encouragement to all and a blessing to those who follow after you.

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*Senior class gift totals will be credited with your anticipated first-year giving

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*If a project reaches full funding, senior class gifts will roll over to the area of greatest need.

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August 1, 2017

Alumni Generosity Challenge 2020

cu nova webThank you for sowing into the Christian Union Nova ministry at Princeton. Your gift is an encouragement to all.

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*Alumni gift totals will be credited with your anticipated first-year giving

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*If a project reaches full funding, alumni gifts will roll over to the area of greatest need.

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August 1, 2017

Alumni Generosity Challenge 2020

Christian Union Gloria LogoThank you for sowing into the Christian Union ministry at Harvard. Your gift is an encouragement to all.

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*Alumni gift totals will be credited with your anticipated first-year giving

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*If a project reaches full funding, alumni gifts will roll over to the area of greatest need.

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August 1, 2017

Alumni Generosity Challenge 2020

Christian Union Libertas at Brown LogoThank you for sowing into the Christian Union Libertas ministry at Brown. Your gift is an encouragement to all.

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*Alumni gift totals will be credited with your anticipated first-year giving

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*If a project reaches full funding, alumni gifts will roll over to the area of greatest need.

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August 1, 2017

Alumni Generosity Challenge 2020

Thank yChristian Union Lumine at Columbia Logoou for sowing into the Christian Union Lumine ministry at Columbia. Your gift is an encouragement to all.

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*Alumni gift totals will be credited with your anticipated first-year giving

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*If a project reaches full funding, alumni gifts will roll over to the area of greatest need.

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August 1, 2017

Alumni Generosity Challenge 2020

Christian Union Vita at Cornell LogoThank you for sowing into the Christian Union Vita ministry at Cornell. Your gift is an encouragement to all.

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*Alumni gift totals will be credited with your anticipated first-year giving

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*If a project reaches full funding, alumni gifts will roll over to the area of greatest need.

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August 1, 2017

Alumni Generosity Challenge 2020

Christian Union at Dartmouth LogoThank you for sowing into the Christian Union Vox ministry at Dartmouth. Your gift is an encouragement to all.

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*Alumni gift totals will be credited with your anticipated first-year giving

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*If a project reaches full funding, alumni gifts will roll over to the area of greatest need.

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August 1, 2017

Alumni Generosity Challenge 2020

Christian Union Gloria LawThank you for sowing into the Christian Union ministry at Harvard Law. Your gift is an encouragement to all.

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*Alumni gift totals will be credited with your anticipated first-year giving

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*If a project reaches full funding, alumni gifts will roll over to the area of greatest need.

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August 1, 2017

Alumni Generosity Challenge 2020

Thank yChristian Union at Penn Logoou for sowing into the Christian Union Martus ministry to students at Penn. Your gift is an encouragement to all.

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*Alumni gift totals will be credited with your anticipated first-year giving

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*If a project reaches full funding, alumni gifts will roll over to the area of greatest need.

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August 1, 2017

Alumni Generosity Challenge 2020

Christian Union at Stanford LogoThank you for sowing into the Christian Union Caritas ministry at Stanford. Your gift is an encouragement to all.

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*Alumni gift totals will be credited with your anticipated first-year giving

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*If a project reaches full funding, alumni gifts will roll over to the area of greatest need.

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October 7, 2016

Christian Union Summer Projects

As participants in a Christian Union summer project, we represent a Christian community and our Lord Jesus Christ.  For this reason, we strive to behave in a manner consistent with the instruction presented in God’s Word, the Bible.  Individually, and as a group, we should remember that when we visit any establishment it is our responsibility to learn its rules and comply with them.  Through this demonstration of self-governance, we will foster good relationships with the community. With this in mind, we present these guidelines.  Please take time to prayerfully read and understand these Bible verses. If you would like to talk to our staff about how to know Jesus Christ as your Savior and Lord, or to discuss the meaning of any of these Bible verses, please reach out to your local CU staff members or the Project Director. It will be our joy to speak with you.

  1. Show respect for authority, whether that is the pastor of a local church, government and its laws, community leaders, or a leader of a CU event (1 Peter 2:13-17; Romans 13:1).
  2. Have an attitude of compassion for the differences, needs or disabilities of others, speaking with kindness toward one another (Matthew 7:12; James 2:1-9; Galatians 5:22-23).
  3. Act and speak in a manner worthy of the God who calls you.  Unkind remarks, profanity, course jokes, conversation involving occult or sexual situations or other language unbecoming of a Christian is unacceptable at CU Summer Project events (1 Timothy 5:1-3; 1 Thessalonians 2:12; Ephesians 4:1 & 5:4).
  4. Glorify God in our bodies, abstaining from pre-marital sex, as well as all forms of pornography and intentional, habitual mental fantasies.  Take active steps to avoid inappropriate situations and physical encounters (1 Corinthians 6:12-20; Matthew 5:27-28; Ephesians 5:3). 
  5. Honor the wishes, property and culture of those we are visiting, not causing an offense (1 Corinthians 8:7-13; Philippians 2:3-4; Romans 12:17b).
October 7, 2016


God is Triune—Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, each an uncreated person, one in essence, equal in power and glory.

The Scriptures
The Bible alone, and the Bible in its entirety, is the Word of God written and is therefore wholly truthful in the original manuscripts and authoritative for faith and practice.

God created all things out of nothing, and He has created all people in His image, equal in worth. However, because of sin, all people are alienated from God and one another and justly deserve God’s eternal judgment.

Jesus Christ
Jesus Christ, the only and eternal Son of God and His perfect image, took on human flesh to save us, in order that we might be restored in relationship with God and one another, rightly worship, and love God and love our neighbor as ourselves, and be freed from the power of sin and the just judgment of God.

Jesus was conceived by the Holy Spirit and born of the Virgin Mary, fully God and fully man. He lived a perfect and sinless life, loving others, teaching truth from God, and working miracles. He was crucified for us, died, and was buried. On the third day He rose from the dead with a glorified body. He ascended into heaven, and he now rules as Lord at the right hand of God the Father, where He intercedes for His people.

The Gospel
Because of the love of God and for the glory of God, Jesus died in the place of sinners in order to secure our salvation. All who, by the power of the Holy Spirit, repent of sin, believe in Jesus Christ alone for salvation, and confess Him as Lord receive God’s free gift of restored relationship with Him and eternal life.

Our good works do not earn salvation, but by God’s grace through the Holy Spirit good works always accompany salvation and make it manifest, for the glory of God and Christ. God gives to all believers the Holy Spirit who indwells, sanctifies, instructs, gifts, and empowers believers for Christ-like living and service, the unity of faith, and knowledge of the Son of God, through which we grow in the maturity and fullness of the image of Christ in us. The Spirit Himself is the down payment of our promised inheritance in Christ.

Jesus has commissioned His church to bring the gospel to all peoples, to make disciples of Him, and to celebrate baptism and communion until He returns. Jesus is coming back to earth personally, bodily, and gloriously to consummate His righteous rule. All who trust in Him will enjoy eternal, joyful fellowship with God and one another in resurrected and glorified bodies in a new heavens and new earth.

See also our Statement of Ethics

October 7, 2016
Help America Return to God
Join a movement that is developing leaders to transform our nation.
Jump directly to the sign-up form now, or scroll down to learn more.


Leaders Matter

Cultures change from the top down. 
Leaders shape the future of our country by determining what media gets disseminated, what laws get passed, and how major decisions get made. Today, however, we see many examples of failing leadership. We are a country that does not always protect the most vulnerable among us, that worships idols, such as money and fame, and that is focused on secular, earthly goals rather than spiritual and eternal ones. Raising up godly leaders within our most influential institutions is the start of having God at the center of our culture. Christian Union invites you to become a partner in creating faithful leaders to transform our nation.

Who is shaping tomorrow's leaders?
A handful of universities and cities have an outsized influence on our nation’s culture. Nearly 70 percent of the nation’s most influential leaders come from just one percent of schools. Many of these institutions, including Harvard, Princeton, and Yale, were founded on Christian principles. In some cases, they were actually seminaries, designed to train young people to follow God.

Today, however, they are decidedly secular and, in many cases, overtly antagonistic to the Christian faith. This rocky ground is where Christian Union sets its stake. Since its founding in 2002, Christian Union has been dedicated to developing Christian leaders from these schools, as well as in the cities where they are most likely to live and work after they graduate.

Become a partner in developing and connecting these Christian leaders.

Christian Union believes that widespread proclamation of the Gospel and an outpouring of the Holy Spirit will transform these universities and as a result, our nation. This new spiritual vitality will be built by students shaped at these influential universities. The ministry develops leaders through mentoring and in-depth biblical study that honors the needs of the intellectual, intensely motivated students at these institutions.

Highly-qualified ministry faculty guide students in a deep understanding of their Christian faith. Through Bible courses and discipleship they learn to seek God’s purpose for their lives and graduate ready to do His work in the world. After graduation, Christian Union continues to nurture leaders with the faith and power to reshape our institutions through our alumni engagement programs and through CU New York.

Today you can help us make all this possible.

Christian Union Cornerstone Partners make these goals a reality. A charitable gift of $25 or more enables ministry faculty to develop and equip our nation's future leaders. Becoming a Christian Union Cornerstone Partner also affords you these unique benefits:

CU Cornerstone Partners are listed in Christian Union’s annual report if giving at the Bronze level or above. Those who choose to be Partners at an individual university are also honored with their names posted prominently in CU’s university ministry centers.
Special invitations
Christian Union honors CU Cornerstone Partners with invitations to select special events free of charge. Those who are Partners at an individual university also receive invitations to special CU events at that institution.
Christian Union recognizes that those who are partners in the ministry appreciate special updates. The ministry provides CU Cornerstone Partners with regular updates on the work, including communications from CEO and Founder Matt Bennett and from the Ministry Directors and students.  Please know that CU associates pray for partners and their families every month. 



Become a CU Cornerstone Partner now.

With your generous charitable gift of $25 or more, you will help Christian Union lay the foundation for revival and spiritual health in our nation. Simply complete the form below and you will be a partner in this vital work.

If you'd prefer to download and mail the enrollment form, please download it here.


Christian Union is recognized by the IRS as a 501(c)(3) charitable organization. All donations are tax-deductible as to the extent allowed by applicable law. To learn more about the benefits, and rights and responsibilities, of Cornerstone Partners, please go to www.ChristianUnion.org/cp-benefitsandrights.

ecfa memberThe ministry is a member of the Evangelical Council on Financial Accountability (ECFA) and has its finances audited annually. Charges to credit cards appear as “Christian Union 6098740040.”

If you have questions, please contact a partner representative at (609) 874-0040, or email us at giving@ChristianUnion.org.

October 7, 2016
Christian Union Libertas Logo
Help Make Christ Known at Brown
Join a movement to develop leaders to transform Brown University and our nation.
Jump directly to the sign-up form now, or scroll down to learn more.


Leaders Matter

Leaders developed at Brown University shape the future of our country by determining what media gets disseminated, what laws get passed, and how major decisions get made. Brown has produced influential figures including media mogul Ted Turner, actress Emma Watson, radio personality Ira Glass, and Federal Reserve Chair Janet Yellen.

Today, however, we see many examples of failing leadership. We are a country that does not always protect the most vulnerable among us, that worships idols, such as money and fame, and that is focused on secular, earthly goals rather than spiritual and eternal ones. Raising up godly leaders at Brown is the start of having God at the center of our culture. Christian Union Libertas, which ministers to Brown invites you to become a partner in creating faithful leaders to transform our nation.

Who is shaping tomorrow's leaders?
A handful of universities and cities have an outsized influence on our nation’s culture. Nearly 70 percent of the nation’s most influential leaders come from just one percent of schools. Many of these institutions, including Brown, were founded on Christian principles. In 1763, James Manning, a Baptist minister who had graduated from College of New Jersey (later known as Princeton) the year before, was sent to Rhode Island by the Philadelphia Association of Baptist Churches to found the college that eventually became Brown.

Today, however, Brown is decidedly secular and, in many cases, overtly antagonistic to the Christian faith. This rocky ground is where Christian Union Libertas sets its stake.

Become a partner in developing and connecting these Christian leaders.

Christian Union Libertas believes that widespread proclamation of the Gospel and an outpouring of the Holy Spirit will transform Brown and as a result, our nation. This new spiritual vitality will be built by students shaped at Brown. The ministry develops leaders through mentoring and in-depth biblical study that honors the needs of the intellectual, intensely motivated students at Brown.

Highly-qualified ministry faculty guide students in a deep understanding of their Christian faith. Through Bible courses and discipleship they learn to seek God’s purpose for their lives and graduate ready to do His work in the world. After graduation, Christian Union continues to nurture Brown alumni with the faith and power to reshape our institutions through our alumni engagement programs and through CU New York.

Today you can help us make all this possible.

Christian Union Libertas Cornerstone Partners make these goals a reality. A charitable gift of $25 or more enables ministry faculty to develop and equip our nation's future leaders. Becoming a Christian Union Libertas Cornerstone Partner also affords you these unique benefits:



CU Cornerstone Libertas Partners are listed in Christian Union’s annual report if giving at the Bronze level or above. These Partners are also honored with their names posted prominently in the CU Libertas ministry center for students to take courage that people around the world care about their Christian development and the witness of Christ at Brown.

Special invitations
Christian Union honors CU Cornerstone Partners with invitations to select special events free of charge. Those who are Partners at CU Libertas also receive invitations to special CU events at Brown.
Christian Union recognizes that those who are partners in the ministry appreciate special updates. The ministry provides CU Libertas Cornerstone Partners with regular updates on the work, including communications from CEO and Founder Matt Bennett and from the CU Libertas Ministry Director and students.  Please know that CU associates pray for partners and their families every month.  


Become a CU Libertas Cornerstone Partner now.

With your generous charitable gift of $25 or more, you will help Christian Union lay the foundation for revival and spiritual health in our nation. Simply complete the form below and you will be a partner in this vital work.

If you'd prefer to download and mail the enrollment form, please download it here.


Christian Union Libertas derives its name from the Latin word for liberty or freedom which is libertas. Brown’s charter stated that “into this liberal and catholic institution shall never be admitted any religious tests: But, on the contrary, all the members hereof shall forever enjoy full, free, absolute, and uninterrupted liberty of conscience.” The ministry likewise embraces a vision of Christian freedom that comes through faith in the Lord Jesus Christ.

Christian Union is recognized by the IRS as a 501(c)(3) charitable organization. All donations are tax-deductible as to the extent allowed by applicable law. To learn more about the benefits, and rights and responsibilities, of Cornerstone Partners, please go to www.ChristianUnion.org/cp-benefitsandrights.

ecfa memberThe ministry is a member of the Evangelical Council on Financial Accountability (ECFA) and has its finances audited annually. Charges to credit cards appear as “Christian Union 6098740040.”

If you have questions, please contact a partner representative at (609) 874-0040, or email us at giving@ChristianUnion.org.

October 7, 2016
Christian Union Lumine Logo
Help Make Christ Known at Columbia
Join a movement to develop leaders  to transform Columbia University and our nation.
Jump directly to the sign-up form now, or scroll down to learn more.


Leaders Matter

Leaders developed at  Columbia University shape the future of our country by determining what media gets disseminated, what laws get passed, and how major decisions get made. Columbia has produced three United States presidents, 125 Pulitzer Prize winners and 39 Oscar winners, as well as countless other leaders including investor Warren Buffett, author J.D. Salinger, and economist Milton Friedman.

Today, however, we see many examples of failing leadership. We are a country that does not always protect the most vulnerable among us, that worships idols, such as money and fame, and that is focused on secular, earthly goals rather than spiritual and eternal ones. Raising up godly leaders at Columbia is the start of having God at the center of our culture. Christian Union Lumine, which ministers to Columbia University, invites you to become a partner in creating faithful leaders to transform our nation.


Who is shaping tomorrow's leaders?
A handful of universities and cities have an outsized influence on our nation’s culture. Nearly 70 percent of the nation’s most influential leaders come from just one percent of schools. Many of these institutions, including Columbia, were founded on Christian principles. Columbia’s charter stipulated that the president “shall forever hereafter be a member of, and in communion with the Church of England.”

There is also an emphasis placed on the importance of perpetual prayer on the campus. The charter states: “We do further will, ordain, and direct, that there shall be forever hereafter publick morning and evening service constantly performed.” Today, however, Columbia is decidedly secular and, in many cases, overtly antagonistic to the Christian faith. This rocky ground is where Christian Union Lumine sets its stake.

Become a partner in developing and connecting these Christian leaders.

Christian Union Lumine believes that widespread proclamation of the Gospel and an outpouring of the Holy Spirit will transform Columbia and as a result, our nation. This new spiritual vitality will be built by students shaped at Columbia. The ministry develops leaders through mentoring and in-depth biblical study that honors the needs of the intellectual, intensely motivated students.

Highly-qualified ministry faculty guide students in a deep understanding of their Christian faith. Through Bible courses and discipleship they learn to seek God’s purpose for their lives and graduate ready to do His work in the world. After graduation, Christian Union continues to nurture Columbia alumni with the faith and power to reshape our institutions through our alumni engagement programs and through CU New York.

Today you can help us make all this possible.

Christian Union Lumine Cornerstone Partners make these goals a reality. A charitable gift of $25 or more enables ministry faculty to develop and equip our nation's future leaders. Becoming a Christian Union Lumine Cornerstone Partner also affords you these unique benefits:

CU Lumine Cornerstone Partners are listed in Christian Union’s annual report if giving at the Bronze level or above. These Partners are also honored with their names posted prominently in the CU Lumine ministry center  for students to take courage that people around the world care about their Christian development and the witness of Christ at Columbia.
Special invitations
Christian Union honors CU Cornerstone Partners with invitations to select special events free of charge. Those who are Partners at CU Lumine also receive invitations to special CU events at Columbia.
Christian Union recognizes that those who are partners in the ministry appreciate special updates. The ministry provides CU Lumine Cornerstone Partners with regular updates on the work, including communications from CEO and Founder Matt Bennett and from the CU Lumine Ministry Director and students.  Please know that CU associates pray for partners and their families every month. 

Become a CU Lumine Cornerstone Partner now.

With your generous charitable gift of $25 or more, you will help Christian Union lay the foundation for revival and spiritual health in our nation. Simply complete the form below and you will be a partner in this vital work.

If you'd prefer to download and mail the enrollment form, please download it here.


Christian Union Lumine derives its name from the Latin word for light which is Lumine. Columbia’s motto is In lumine Tuo videbimus lumen which translates to In Thy light shall we see light. The ministry hopes to see Christ’s light shine in the lives of Columbia students and in the work they go on to do in the world.

Christian Union is recognized by the IRS as a 501(c)(3) charitable organization. All donations are tax-deductible as to the extent allowed by applicable law. To learn more about the benefits, and rights and responsibilities, of Cornerstone Partners, please go to www.ChristianUnion.org/cp-benefitsandrights.

ecfa memberThe ministry is a member of the Evangelical Council on Financial Accountability (ECFA) and has its finances audited annually. Charges to credit cards appear as “Christian Union 6098740040.”

If you have questions, please contact a partner representative at (609) 874-0040, or email us at giving@ChristianUnion.org.

October 7, 2016
Christian Union Vita Logo
Help Make Christ Known at Cornell
Join a movement to develop leaders to transform Cornell University and our nation.
Jump directly to the sign-up form now, or scroll down to learn more.


Leaders Matter

Leaders developed at Cornell University shape the future of our country by determining what media gets disseminated, what laws get passed, and how major decisions get made. Cornell has produced 21 Nobel laureates, as well as other notables, such as Supreme Court justice Ruth Bader Ginsberg, author Toni Morrison, and actor Christopher Reeve.

Today, however, we see many examples of failing leadership. We are a country that does not always protect the most vulnerable among us, that worships idols, such as money and fame, and that is focused on secular, earthly goals rather than spiritual and eternal ones. Raising up godly leaders at Cornell is the start of having God at the center of our culture. Christian Union Vita, which ministers to Cornell invites you to become a partner in creating faithful leaders to transform our nation.

Who is shaping tomorrow's leaders?
A handful of universities and cities have an outsized influence on our nation’s culture. Nearly 70 percent of the nation’s most influential leaders come from just one percent of schools. Many of these institutions, including Cornell, were founded on Christian principles. Ezra Cornell, in his address at his university’s inauguration in 1868 said “It shall be our aim, and our constant effort to make true Christian men, without dwarfing or paring them down to fit the narrow gauge of any sect.”  Today, however, Cornell is decidedly secular and, in many cases, overtly antagonistic to the Christian faith. This rocky ground is where Christian Union Vita sets its stake.

Become a partner in developing and connecting these Christian leaders.

Christian Union Vita believes that widespread proclamation of the Gospel and an outpouring of the Holy Spirit will transform Cornell and as a result, our nation. This new spiritual vitality will be built by students shaped at Cornell. The ministry develops leaders through mentoring and in-depth biblical study that honors the needs of the intellectual, intensely motivated students at Cornell.

Highly-qualified ministry faculty guide students in a deep understanding of their Christian faith. Through Bible courses and discipleship they learn to seek God’s purpose for their lives and graduate ready to do His work in the world. After graduation, Christian Union continues to nurture Cornell alumni with the faith and power to reshape our institutions through our alumni engagement programs and through CU New York.

Today you can help us make all this possible.

Christian Union Vita Cornerstone Partners make these goals a reality. A charitable gift of $25 or more enables ministry faculty to develop and equip our nation's future leaders. Becoming a Christian Union Vita Cornerstone Partner also affords you these unique benefits:


CU Cornerstone Vita Partners are listed in Christian Union’s annual report if giving at the Bronze level or above. These Partners are also honored with their names posted prominently in the CU Vita ministry center for students to take courage that people around the world care about their Christian development and the witness of Christ at Cornell.

Special invitations
Christian Union honors CU Cornerstone Partners with invitations to select special events free of charge. Those who are Partners at CU Vita also receive invitations to special CU events at Cornell.
Christian Union recognizes that  partners in the ministry appreciate special updates. The ministry provides CU Vita Cornerstone Partners with regular updates on the work, including communications from CEO and Founder Matt Bennett and from the CU Vita Ministry Director and students.  Please know that CU Vita associates pray for partners and their families every month.

Become a CU Vita Cornerstone Partner now.

With your generous charitable gift of $25 or more, you will help Christian Union lay the foundation for revival and spiritual health in our nation. Simply complete the form below and you will be a partner in this vital work.

If you'd prefer to download and mail the enrollment form, please download it here.


Christian Union Vita derives its name from the Latin word for life which is vita. Cornell’s mission statement says “Cornell also aims...to enhance the lives and livelihoods of students, the people of New York and others around the world"  Christian Union believes this communicates Cornell students' abiding commitment to know Life itself, Jesus Christ, and to offer this Life to those at the University and throughout the world.

Christian Union is recognized by the IRS as a 501(c)(3) charitable organization. All donations are tax-deductible as to the extent allowed by applicable law. To learn more about the benefits, and rights and responsibilities, of Cornerstone Partners, please go to www.ChristianUnion.org/cp-benefitsandrights.

ecfa memberThe ministry is a member of the Evangelical Council on Financial Accountability (ECFA) and has its finances audited annually. Charges to credit cards appear as “Christian Union 6098740040.”

If you have questions, please contact a partner representative at (609) 874-0040, or email us at giving@ChristianUnion.org.

October 7, 2016
Christian Union Vox Logo
Help Make Christ Known at Dartmouth
Join a movement to develop leaders to transform Dartmouth and our nation.
Jump directly to the sign-up form now, or scroll down to learn more.


Leaders Matter

Leaders developed at Dartmouth shape the future of our country by determining what media gets disseminated, what laws get passed, and how major decisions get made. Dartmouth has produced influential figures including author Dr. Seuss, beloved T.V. personality Fred Rogers, U.S. Senator Kirsten Gillibrand, and former central banker and Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner.

Today, however, we see many examples of failing leadership. We are a country that does not always protect the most vulnerable among us, that worships idols, such as money and fame, and that is focused on secular, earthly goals rather than spiritual and eternal ones. Raising up godly leaders at Dartmouth is the start of having God at the center of our culture. Christian Union Vox, which ministers at Dartmouth invites you to become a partner in creating faithful leaders to transform our nation.

Who is shaping tomorrow's leaders?
A handful of universities and cities have an outsized influence on our nation’s culture. Nearly 70 percent of the nation’s most influential leaders come from just one percent of schools. Many of these institutions, including Dartmouth, were founded on Christian principles. Dartmouth’s origins can be traced to the Indian missionary movement and the Great Awakening in the mid 1700s. Today, however, Dartmouth is decidedly secular and, in many cases, overtly antagonistic to the Christian faith. This rocky ground is where Christian Union Vox sets its stake.

Become a partner in developing and connecting these Christian leaders.

Christian Union Vox believes that widespread proclamation of the Gospel and an outpouring of the Holy Spirit will transform Dartmouth and as a result, our nation. This new spiritual vitality will be built by students shaped at Dartmouth. The ministry develops leaders through mentoring and in-depth biblical study that honors the needs of the intellectual, intensely motivated students at Dartmouth.

Highly-qualified ministry faculty guide students in a deep understanding of their Christian faith. Through Bible courses and discipleship they learn to seek God’s purpose for their lives and graduate ready to do His work in the world. After graduation, Christian Union continues to nurture Dartmouth alumni with the faith and power to reshape our institutions through our alumni engagement programs and through CU New York.

Today you can help us make all this possible.

Christian Union Vox Cornerstone Partners make these goals a reality. A charitable gift of $25 or more enables ministry faculty to develop and equip our nation's future leaders. Becoming a Christian Union Vox Cornerstone Partner also affords you these unique benefits:

CU Cornerstone Vox Partners are listed in Christian Union’s annual report if giving at the Bronze level or above. These Partners are also honored with their names posted prominently in the CU Vox ministry center for students to take courage that people around the world care about their Christian development and the witness of Christ at Dartmouth.
Special invitations
Christian Union honors CU Cornerstone Partners with invitations to select special events free of charge. Those who are Partners at CU Vox also receive invitations to special CU events at Dartmouth.
Christian Union recognizes that those who are partners in the ministry appreciate special updates. The ministry provides CU Vox Cornerstone Partners with regular updates on the work, including communications from CEO and Founder Matt Bennett and from the CU Vox Ministry Director and students.  Please know that CU associates pray for partners and their families every month.  



Become a CU Vox Cornerstone Partner now.

With your generous charitable gift of $25 or more, you will help Christian Union lay the foundation for revival and spiritual health in our nation. Simply complete the form below and you will be a partner in this vital work.

If you'd prefer to download and mail the enrollment form, please download it here.


Christian Union Vox derives its name from the Latin word for voice which is vox. Dartmouth’s motto, “The voice of one crying in the wilderness,” refers to John the Baptist announcing the coming of Jesus Christ. The ministry strives to see Dartmouth students be the voice of Christ in the world.

Christian Union is recognized by the IRS as a 501(c)(3) charitable organization. All donations are tax-deductible as to the extent allowed by applicable law. To learn more about the benefits, and rights and responsibilities, of Cornerstone Partners, please go to www.ChristianUnion.org/cp-benefitsandrights.

ecfa memberThe ministry is a member of the Evangelical Council on Financial Accountability (ECFA) and has its finances audited annually. Charges to credit cards appear as “Christian Union 6098740040.”

If you have questions, please contact a partner representative at (609) 874-0040, or email us at giving@ChristianUnion.org.

October 7, 2016
CU Gloria Wide Logo
Help Make Christ Known at Harvard
Join a movement to develop leaders to transform Harvard University and our nation.
Jump directly to the sign-up form now, or scroll down to learn more.


Leaders Matter

Leaders developed at Harvard University shape the future of our country by determining what media gets disseminated, what laws get passed, and how major decisions get made. Harvard has produced eight U.S. Presidents, countless Nobel prize winners, and innovators and industry titans including Bill Gates and Mark Zuckerberg.

Today, however, we see many examples of failing leadership. We are a country that does not always protect the most vulnerable among us, that worships idols, such as money and fame, and that is focused on secular, earthly goals rather than spiritual and eternal ones. Raising up godly leaders at Harvard is the start of having God at the center of our culture. Christian Union Gloria, which ministers to Harvard invites you to become a partner in creating faithful leaders to transform our nation.

Who is shaping tomorrow's leaders?
A handful of universities and cities have an outsized influence on our nation’s culture. Nearly 70 percent of the nation’s most influential leaders come from just one percent of schools. Many of these institutions, including Harvard, were founded on Christian principles. Harvard was founded to train ministers. Harvard’s charter states the school’s purpose to be “the education of the English and Indian youth of this country, in knowledge and godliness.”  Today, however, Harvard is decidedly secular and, in many cases, overtly antagonistic to the Christian faith. This rocky ground is where Christian Union Gloria sets its stake.

Become a partner in developing and connecting these Christian leaders.

Christian Union Gloria believes that widespread proclamation of the Gospel and an outpouring of the Holy Spirit will transform Harvard and as a result, our nation. This new spiritual vitality will be built by students shaped at Harvard. The ministry develops leaders through mentoring and in-depth biblical study that honors the needs of the intellectual, intensely motivated students at Harvard.

Highly-qualified ministry faculty guide students in a deep understanding of their Christian faith. Through Bible courses and discipleship they learn to seek God’s purpose for their lives and graduate ready to do His work in the world. After graduation, Christian Union continues to nurture Harvard alumni with the faith and power to reshape our institutions through our alumni engagement programs and through CU New York.

Today you can help us make all this possible.

Christian Union Gloria Cornerstone Partners make these goals a reality. A charitable gift of $25 or more enables ministry faculty to develop and equip our nation's future leaders. Becoming a Christian Union Gloria Cornerstone Partner also affords you these unique benefits:

CU Cornerstone Gloria Partners are listed in Christian Union’s annual report if giving at the Bronze level or above. These Partners are also honored with their names posted prominently in the CU Gloria office for students to take courage that people around the world care about their Christian development and the witness of Christ at Harvard.
Special invitations
Christian Union honors CU Cornerstone Partners with invitations to select special events free of charge. Those who are Partners at CU Gloria also receive invitations to special CU events at Harvard.
Christian Union recognizes that those who are partners in the ministry appreciate special updates. The ministry provides CU Gloria Cornerstone Partners with regular updates on the work, including communications from CEO and Founder Matt Bennett and from the CU Gloria Ministry Director and students.  Please know that CU associates pray for partners and their families every month.  



Become a CU Gloria Cornerstone Partner now.

With your generous charitable gift of $25 or more, you will help Christian Union lay the foundation for revival and spiritual health in our nation. Simply complete the form below and you will be a partner in this vital work.

If you'd prefer to download and mail the enrollment form, please download it here.


Christian Union Gloria derives its name from the Latin word for glory which is Gloria. Harvard’s motto before Veritas was “In Christi Gloriam,” a Latin phrase meaning “For the glory of Christ.” The ministry strives to see the glory of Christ in those who graduate from Harvard and in their impact on the world.

Christian Union is recognized by the IRS as a 501(c)(3) charitable organization. All donations are tax-deductible as to the extent allowed by applicable law. To learn more about the benefits, and rights and responsibilities, of Cornerstone Partners, please go to www.ChristianUnion.org/cp-benefitsandrights.

ecfa memberThe ministry is a member of the Evangelical Council on Financial Accountability (ECFA) and has its finances audited annually. Charges to credit cards appear as “Christian Union 6098740040.”

If you have questions, please contact a partner representative at (609) 874-0040, or email us at giving@ChristianUnion.org.

October 7, 2016
Christian Union Nova Logo
Help Make Christ Known at Princeton
Join a movement to develop leaders to transform Princeton University and our nation.
Jump directly to the sign-up form now, or scroll down to learn more.


Leaders Matter

Leaders developed at Princeton University shape the future of our country by determining what media gets disseminated, what laws get passed, and how major decisions get made. Princeton has produced two U.S. Presidents, three current Supreme Court justices, and countless thinkers, artists, and executives including Amazon’s Jeff Bezos, former Google CEO Eric Schmidt, and former First Lady Michelle Obama.

Today, however, we see many examples of failing leadership. We are a country that does not always protect the most vulnerable among us, that worships idols, such as money and fame, and that is focused on secular, earthly goals rather than spiritual and eternal ones. Raising up godly leaders at Princeton is the start of having God at the center of our culture. Christian Union Nova, which ministers to Princeton invites you to become a partner in creating faithful leaders to transform our nation.

Who is shaping tomorrow's leaders?
A handful of universities and cities have an outsized influence on our nation’s culture. Nearly 70 percent of the nation’s most influential leaders come from just one percent of schools. Many of these institutions, including Princeton, were founded on Christian principles. One of Princeton’s founders expressed to another clergyman, “Though our great Intention was to erect a seminary for educating Ministers of the Gospel, yet we hope it will be useful in other learned professions—Ornaments of the State as Well as the Church.”  Today, however, Princeton is decidedly secular and, in many cases, overtly antagonistic to the Christian faith. This rocky ground is where Christian Union Nova sets its stake.

Become a partner in developing and connecting these Christian leaders.

Christian Union Nova believes that widespread proclamation of the Gospel and an outpouring of the Holy Spirit will transform Princeton and as a result, our nation. This new spiritual vitality will be built by students shaped at Princeton. The ministry develops leaders through mentoring and in-depth biblical study that honors the needs of the intellectual, intensely motivated students at Princeton.

Highly-qualified ministry faculty guide students in a deep understanding of their Christian faith. Through Bible courses and discipleship, they learn to seek God’s purpose for their lives and graduate ready to do His work in the world. After graduation, Christian Union continues to nurture Princeton alumni with the faith and power to reshape our institutions through our alumni engagement programs and through CU New York.

Today you can help us make all this possible.

Christian Union Nova Cornerstone Partners make these goals a reality. A charitable gift of $25 or more enables ministry faculty to develop and equip our nation's future leaders. Becoming a Christian Union Nova Cornerstone Partner also affords you these unique benefits:

CU Cornerstone Nova Partners are listed in Christian Union’s annual report if giving at the Bronze level or above. These Partners are also honored with their names posted prominently in the CU Nova ministry center for students to take courage that people around the world care about their Christian development and the witness of Christ at Princeton.
Special invitations
Christian Union honors CU Cornerstone Partners with invitations to select special events free of charge. Those who are Partners at CU Nova also receive invitations to special CU events at Princeton.
Christian Union recognizes that partners in the ministry appreciate special updates. The ministry provides CU Nova Cornerstone Partners with regular updates on the work, including communications from CEO and Founder Matt Bennett and from the CU Nova Ministry Director and students.  Please know that CU associates pray for partners and their families every month.  



Become a CU Nova Cornerstone Partner now.

With your generous charitable gift of $25 or more, you will help Christian Union lay the foundation for revival and spiritual health in our nation. Simply complete the form below and you will be a partner in this vital work

If you'd prefer to download and mail the enrollment form, please download it here.


Christian Union Nova derives its name from the Latin word for new which is nova. Some of Princeton’s founders were so-called “New Lights” who embraced revivals and their fruit. The ministry strives to see the light of Christ in those who graduate from Princeton and in their impact on the world.

Christian Union is recognized by the IRS as a 501(c)(3) charitable organization. All donations are tax-deductible as to the extent allowed by applicable law. To learn more about the benefits, and rights and responsibilities, of Cornerstone Partners, please go to www.ChristianUnion.org/cp-benefitsandrights.

ecfa memberThe ministry is a member of the Evangelical Council on Financial Accountability (ECFA) and has its finances audited annually. Charges to credit cards appear as “Christian Union 6098740040.”

If you have questions, please contact a partner representative at (609) 874-0040, or email us at giving@ChristianUnion.org.

October 7, 2016
CU Caritas Logo Wide Regular 200323
Help Make Christ Known at Stanford
Join a movement to develop leaders to transform Stanford University and our nation.
Jump directly to the sign-up form now, or scroll down to learn more.


Leaders Matter

Leaders developed at Stanford University shape the future of our country by determining what media gets disseminated, what laws get passed, and how major decisions get made. Stanford has produced numerous leaders, especially  in technology, such as Microsoft’s Steve Ballmer, Google’s Sergey Brin and Larry Page, and PayPal’s Peter Thiel.

Today, however, we see many examples of failing leadership. We are a country that does not always protect the most vulnerable among us, that worships idols, such as money and fame, and that is focused on secular, earthly goals rather than spiritual and eternal ones. Raising up godly leaders at Stanford is the start of having God at the center of our culture. Christian Union Caritas, which ministers to Stanford invites you to become a partner in creating faithful leaders to transform our nation.


Who is shaping tomorrow's leaders?

A handful of universities and cities have an outsized influence on our nation’s culture. Nearly 70 percent of the nation’s most influential leaders come from just one percent of schools. Many of these institutions, including Stanford, were founded on Christian principles. Stanford’s founding documents state that “the Trustees … shall have power, and it shall be their duty … to prohibit sectarian instruction, but to have taught in the University the immortality of the soul, the existence of an all-wise and benevolent Creator, and that obedience to His laws is the highest duty of man.” Today, however, Stanford is decidedly secular and, in many cases, overtly antagonistic to the Christian faith. This rocky ground is where Christian Union Caritas sets its stake. 


Become a partner in developing and connecting these Christian leaders.

Christian Union Caritas believes that widespread proclamation of the Gospel and an outpouring of the Holy Spirit will transform Stanford and as a result, our nation. This new spiritual vitality will be built by students shaped at Stanford. The ministry develops leaders through mentoring and in-depth biblical study that honors the needs of the intellectual, intensely motivated students at Stanford.

Highly-qualified ministry faculty guide students in a deep understanding of their Christian faith. Through Bible courses and discipleship they learn to seek God’s purpose for their lives and graduate ready to do His work in the world. After graduation, Christian Union continues to nurture Stanford alumni with the faith and power to reshape our institutions through our alumni engagement programs and through CU New York.

Today you can help us make all this possible.

Christian Union Caritas Cornerstone Partners make these goals a reality. A charitable gift of $25 or more enables ministry faculty to develop and equip our nation's future leaders. Becoming a Christian Union Caritas Cornerstone Partner also affords you these unique benefits:


CU Cornerstone Caritas Partners are listed in Christian Union’s annual report if giving at the Bronze level or above. These Partners are also honored with their names posted prominently in the CU Caritas ministry center for students to take courage that people around the world care about their Christian development and the witness of Christ at Stanford.

Special invitations

Christian Union honors CU Cornerstone Partners with invitations to select special events free of charge. Those who are Partners at CU Caritas also receive invitations to special CU events at Stanford.

Christian Union recognizes that those who are partners in the ministry appreciate special updates. The ministry provides CU Caritas Cornerstone Partners with regular updates on the work, including communications from CEO and Founder Matt Bennett and from the CU Caritas Ministry Director and students.  Please know that CU associates pray for partners and their families every month.



Become a CU Caritas Cornerstone Partner now.

With your generous charitable gift of $25 or more, you will help Christian Union lay the foundation for revival and spiritual health in our nation. Simply complete the form below and you will be a partner in this vital work.

If you'd prefer to download and mail the enrollment form, please download it here.


Christian Union Caritas derives its name from the Latin word for Christian love of humanity which is caritas. In an address on October 3, 1902, Stanford founder Jane Stanford said, “Provision has been made whereby all those who love Our Lord Jesus Christ may partake of the Sacrament of the Lord's Supper at stated intervals in the Memorial Church” The ministry strives to see the love of Christ and of humanity in those who graduate from Stanford and in their impact on the world. 

Christian Union is recognized by the IRS as a 501(c)(3) charitable organization. All donations are tax-deductible as to the extent allowed by applicable law. To learn more about the benefits, and rights and responsibilities, of Cornerstone Partners, please go to www.ChristianUnion.org/cp-benefitsandrights.

ecfa memberThe ministry is a member of the Evangelical Council on Financial Accountability (ECFA) and has its finances audited annually. Charges to credit cards appear as “Christian Union 6098740040.”

If you have questions, please contact a partner representative at (609) 874-0040, or email us at giving@ChristianUnion.org.