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Christian Union: The Magazine
January 26, 2017

The biweekly eNewsletter from Christian Union

Lead me in your truth and teach me, for you are the God of my salvation; for you I wait all the day long.
— Psalm 25:5

Truth or Love: What's Your Choice?

By Vince Vitale
From Ravi Zacharias Ministries

We live in a post-truth society — that's what The Economist claimed two months ago. Two weeks ago, Oxford English Dictionary chose "post-truth" as its Word of the Year. Go back a bit further, and having 11 percent of America believe that you...

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Should We Pray for Revival?

By Alvin Reid
From DesiringGod.org

In the very near future, we will be launching Christian Union Day & Night — and asking believers to consider joining other Christians around the country in committing to pray for revival. This article, originally posted in 2014 on DesiringGod.org, provides great perspective and motivation...

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Q+A: Inside Edition's Megan Alexander on 'Faith in the Spotlight'

By Morgan Lee
From Christianity Today

"I want to be known for doing excellent work. That’s my passion," she says. "Take a seat at the table. That’s what our approach should be. Be reliable for your colleagues, teammates, and team."

Inside Edition's national correspondent Megan Alexander shared this perspective in a recent interview in Christianity Today. The interview focuses on how she has sought to live out her faith in the midst of a busy career...

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Why Miracles Are Possible: David Hume and the Reasonableness of Belief

By Danielle D'Souza
From Augustine Collective

This article, initially written for a student journal, The Dartmouth Apologia, was written by Danielle D'Souza, a student involved in Christian Union's ministry at Dartmouth:

For millennia the issue of miracles has been central in many religions, especially in Christianity. But in the eighteenth century philosopher David Hume changed the West’s entire understanding...

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Register Now to Get Early Bird Pricing for Nexus: Professional 2017

From Christian Union

Christian Union's annual Nexus Conference for professionals (held in tandem with our Nexus student conference) is set for April 7-9, in Stamford, Connecticut. The conference brings together alumni of the ministry and professionals from various fields, nationwide, for a life-changing weekend of dynamic worship and compelling ideas about faith and its relevance to our work and culture. An early bird registration discount is available until 1/31...

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Please Help by Taking this Sixty-Second Survey

From Christian Union

In our last issue, we asked for your help with a (very) brief survey about this eNewsletter. We are thankful for the feeback of those who responded, and are extending the survey for one more issue. If you haven't already, please take this anonymous, very simple six-question survey to help us improve this eNewsletter...

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Prayer Requests

As the spring semester gets underway, please pray for students involved in Christian Union ministries. Pray the non-Christians would be drawn into a life—and eternity—changing relationship with Jesus Christ, and that the Christians on campus would seek God above all else and represent Him well as His ambassadors on campus.

Please pray for our CU New York forum on February 7. Professor William Hurlburt, faculty at Stanford Medical School, will be speaking on "The Challenge and Opportunity of Gene Editing: Scientific and Ethical Considerations." With new breakthroughs in biotechnology allowing us to manipulate genetics at every level of life, numerous difficult ethical questions arise, especially for Christians and the Church, in its application to direct interventions in human life. Learn more about the event here >

As Christian Union Day & Night progresses toward its launch, please continue to pray for the final details, and planning. And please begin praying now that God would use Day & Night to reach many Christians and to help motivate them to pray for sweeping spiritual transformation in America.