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Christian Union: The Magazine
March 23, 2017

The biweekly eNewsletter from Christian Union

Whoever is wise, let him understand these things; whoever is discerning, let him know them; for the ways of the LORD are right, and the upright walk in them, but transgressors stumble in them.
— Hosea 14:9

Christian Union Featured on CBN

From ChristianUnion.org

CBN News recently produced and ran a story on Christian Union, featuring an interview with the ministry's founder and CEO, Matt Bennett...

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The Missing Art of Evangelical Discernment

By Albert Mohler
From AlbertMohler.com

The publishing world sees very few books reach blockbuster status, but William Paul Young’s The Shack has now exceeded even that. The book, originally self-published by Young and two friends, has now sold more than 10 million copies and has been translated into over thirty languages. It is now one of the best-selling...

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The Death of Expertise as a Decline of Trust

By Tom Nichols with James K.A. Smith
From Comment

When we trust our feelings more than anything else, we stop trusting expert knowledge. And it could kill us. An interview between James K.A. Smith and Tom Nichols...

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Can We Talk?

By Timothy George
From First Things

So much of the Bible, and thus so much of the Bible’s theology, takes place through conversations. Three unknown visitors show up one day at the tent of Abraham. Sarah makes tea and listens in on the talk around the table and hears about a child of promise...

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A Herald of Truth

By Eileen Scott
From Christian Union: The Magazine

As a writer for The Brown Daily Herald, Suvy Qin is a tenacious reporter who recently gave a voice to the voiceless. As a member of Christian Union's ministry at Brown, the sophomore continues to grow...

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Don't Miss the Nexus Conference for Professionals

From Christian Union

If you haven't already done so, please consider signing up for Christian Union's annual Nexus Conference for professionals. The conference will take place April 7-9, in Stamford, Connecticut. Don't miss this life-changing weekend of dynamic worship and compelling ideas about faith and its relevance to our work and culture...

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Prayer Requests

Please pray for students who are still considering attending the Nexus Student Conference in Stamford, Connecticut in April. Pray that God would lead many students to attend, and that God would use the conference powerfully in their lives and in their walks with the Lord.

We are excited about the upcoming Nexus: Professional conference. As Christian professionals from around the country come together for a weekend of worship, learning, and community, we are praying for the Spirit to be at work to equip and encourage us to more faithfully engage society in redemptive ways.

Would you commit to pray for 15 minutes a day to see God move powerfully in the nation? Join thousands of American Christians to pray for sweeping spiritual transformation. Visit DayAndNight.org to sign up or learn more >

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We would love to hear your thoughts and feedback about this newsletter or about any of the articles above. Please use this Contact Us form to share your thoughts >