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Christian Union: The Magazine
May 4, 2017

The biweekly eNewsletter from Christian Union

How beautiful upon the mountains are the feet of him who brings good news, who publishes peace, who brings good news of happiness, who publishes salvation, who says to Zion, 'Your God reigns.'
— Isaiah 52:7

Jesus is King

By Kevin Antlitz
From Princeton Faith & Action

"The thought that Jesus is King is at the very heart of Christianity," argues Christian Union ministry fellow Kevin Antlitz, in a talk given at Princeton's Christian Union Ski Safari last year...

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"13 Reasons Why" is Deceptive and Destructive

By Trevin Wax
From The Gospel Goalition

The controversial Netflix series, 13 Reasons Why, has attracted enormous attention around the world — especially from teenagers. Trevin Wax provides a thoughtful perspective from one whose life has been been profoundly affected by suicide. If you are intrigued by the show's premise, or know someone who is watching it, here is an article to consider...

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Why Don't We Share the Gospel?

By Jerry Root
From Christianity Today

Dr. Jerry Root, Professor of Evangelism at Wheaton College, writing in Christianity Today, observes that he has "seen people squirm and fidget whenever the topic of evangelism is mentioned." He shares reasons we tend not to share our faith, together with a reminder that "men and women need to know they are loved by God."...

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How to Be a Miserable Comforter

By Jon Bloom
From Desiring God

People in pain often say painful things. Acute pain, whether physical or psychological, is not a balanced experience. It’s a dominating experience. Such pain shoves its way to the front of our priorities and almost always distorts our perspective. When it’s flaring, we tend to say...

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MIT Professor Daniel Hastings Shares 6 Ways His Faith has Shaped His Career

By Daniel Hastings
From The Veritas Forum

I start by saying there is a God who created the universe and He is not an impersonal God. He has declared Himself as a loving God, who seeks a relationship with us, and also gives us free will to choose him or not. Our purpose is found in relationship with Him. God calls...

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Prayer Requests

Pray for seniors involved with our various university ministries — that God would guide their steps as they wind down their college careers and begin to transition to the next phase of their lives.

Please pray for Christian Union New York's Salon, to be held this Saturday, May 6. The Salon will feature Bob Doll, who will explore the topic of redemptive finance.

Pray as we continue our month-long initiative, "Share The Gospel in May." We'll be sending out videos and other resources to inspire us to share the Gospel personally, boldly and strategically. Please join us!

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