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Christian Union: The Magazine
May 8, 2017
Christian-Union-GraceJim Black, Christian Union's Ministry Director at Columbia University, spoke at an event in Phoenix, Arizona, as a featured Bible teacher. During his talk, he delved into the concept of God’s grace, conveying that it is not just a source of deliverance, but a source of strength in times of strife. 

 “We need to be reminded of God’s provision. God’s grace. God’s goodness. Not always in eliminating the difficulties that we’re in. Rather in meeting us and sustaining us in the middle of situations. Growing us in those situations that are places of affliction, frustration and need and brokenness.”

In order to reflect upon the topic, he used the inspirational account from 2 Samuel, chapter 9, of a man called Mephibosheth. He explained, “[Mephibosheth] is a name in which God gives us a picture of His grace and love in a situation of brokenness and need and suffering.”

Dr. Black then takes his listeners through the story verse by verse, expounding on the beautiful themes which intertwine throughout the account. He draws five striking analogies between the main character of the story and our own lives, tracing for each and every one of us, a clear route to the destination of God’s grace.

Before ending his talk, Jim Black reminds his listeners of the end goal of grace, leaving them with a powerful image:

“You will someday go to join the saints of heaven at [God’s] banquet table to live forever. And you will look all the way down to the head of that table, and there he is, the King of Kings, the Lord of Lords, Jesus himself.”