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Christian Union: The Magazine
August 10, 2017
Susan Gonzalez on Recent Yale graduatate Stephanie Siow; Jean M. Twenge on Smartphones; Joni Eareckson Tada on the 50th anniversary of her diving accident; and more, in this issue of Christian Union's bimonthly email brief.
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Therefore encourage one another and build each other up, just as in fact you are doing.  — 1 Thessalonians 5:11


Recent Yale Graduate Stephanie Siow has Already had a Voice on the World Stage

By Susan Gonzalez 
From Yale News

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The Yale News recently ran this story on Stephanie Siow, a student leader in Christian Union's ministry at Yale last year. Despite having just graduated in 2017, she has already seen the Lord provide remarkable opportunities to make a difference. 

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Have Smartphones Destroyed a Generation?

By Jean M. Twenge
From The Atlantic

For parents and non-parents alike, a challenging and thought-provoking article on smartphone use from The Atlantic. Also an interview with Andy Crouch on the book that he has written to help families navigate this new realityNote: we have pointed readers to this book once before, but wanted to remind you again in light of this article in The Atlantic.

Read The Atlantic article > 
Read the Andy Crouch interview >


Reflections on the 50th Anniversary of My Diving Accident

By Joni Eareckson Tada
From Gospel Coalition

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Joni Eareckson Tada, an author, speaker, and international advocate for people with disabilities, suffered a catastrophic diving accident fifty years ago, one that left her a quadriplegic. After years of rehabilitation, she began to minister to others and has since been used by the Lord in extraordinary ways around the world. Here are her reflections on her fifty year journey since the accident.

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Out of the Cave, Into the Wardrobe

By Andrew Salzone
From Public Discourse

By reading great books we learn to love what is good and hate what is evil. We learn to recognize both righteousness and unrighteousness. 

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Prayer Requests

Please pray for the Christian Union Faculty & Staff Conference, which is happening right now, in Maryland. Pray that each person attending would be spiritually refreshed, that God would move powerfully, and that He would be glorified during this annual gathering.

Please pray for new Christian Union employees and interns. Also, pray for wisdom and guidance as we fill the last open positions before fall.

We know that culture changes through networks and institutions over long periods of time. Christian Union New York is developing networks in finance, technology, and media to solidify a faithful presence in those spheres. Please pray for men and women to populate and lead these networks.

Pray for the fire of God’s Spirit to consume the heart of every Christian in America and to awaken the lost to Jesus Christ. If you would like to join thousands of Christians in prayer for spiritual transformation, sign up here >


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