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Christian Union: The Magazine
August 24, 2017
The Damsel and the Villain; N.T. Wright Answers 5 of Life's Biggest Questions; Mourning Charlottesville: A Domestic Sorrow, a National Woe; The Prayer-Obedience Relationship; and more, in this issue of Christian Union's bimonthly email brief.
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But when the goodness and loving kindness of God our Savior appeared, he saved us, not because of works done by us in righteousness, but according to his own mercy, by the washing of regeneration and renewal of the Holy Spirit, whom he poured out on us richly through Jesus Christ our Savior, so that being justified by his grace we might become heirs according to the hope of eternal life. — Titus 3:4-7


The Damsel and the Villain

By Jimmy Needham
From Desiring God

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Enjoy this tremendous spoken word presentation by Jimmy Needham, from Midlothian, Texas. If you enjoy this video, don't miss the entries from Christian Union's 2017 Nexus Conference SpokenWord competition, here.

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N.T. Wright Answers 5 of Life's Biggest Questions

By N.T. Wright
From Veritas Forum

New Testament theologian N.T. Wright is no stranger to wrestling with questions of cosmic weight. Author of over 30 books, his writing contextualizes Christian thought alongside the broader scope of human history. Earlier this year, Wright appeared at a Veritas Forum at the University of Cincinnati, where he dialogued with philosophy professor Heidi Lene Maibom.

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Mourning Charlottesville: A Domestic Sorrow, a National Woe

By Abdu Murray
From Ravi Zacharias International Ministries

Yet another tragedy and evil has befallen us. It has a domestic feel--being localized in physical impact to the city of Charlottesville, Virginia. And yet the wound has been slashed across all of America. It is at once a domestic sorrow and a national woe...

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The Prayer-Obedience Relationship

By W. Bingham Hunter
From Christian Union Day & Night

"Prayer is not the way we get God to give us what we want. Prayer is a means God uses to give us what He knows we need." Learn why and how obedience and answered prayer work together.

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Harvard's First Light

By Timothy George
From First Things

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During seven years of graduate study at Harvard University, I frequently passed through Johnson Gate into Harvard Yard on my way to the Divinity School or Widener Library. On occasion, I would stop and read the historic words chiseled in stone on ...

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Prayer Requests

Please pray that the university ministries' outreach to incoming freshmen would bear tremendous fruit. Pray that the Lord would supernaturally lead our ministry faculty and student leaders to meet and connect with exactly the right students. Pray that in these all-important first weeks of school meaningful relationships would be formed, and that God would open doors to Gospel ministry through these new relationships.

Christian Union New York is hosting our annual Welcome to New York party this Saturday for all those recent grads who have made their way here for work or grad studies. Please pray for great connections to be made among this group and those here already building a new spiritual community is a critical first step in transitioning from university.

We praise God for helping us reach more than 250,000 people this week through a single Facebook post which gave God the credit for the wonder of the solar eclipse. Pray with us for more opportunities to reach thousands and ultimately millions of people with the Gospel. We continue to boldly ask God to usher in the greatest revival America has ever seen. Join us on Facebook >


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